...or something else?
The Bigfoot Field Research Organization is showing the above picture (as well as several others) at its website. The "Jacobs Creature" was photographed with an automatic trail camera outside of Jacobs, Pennsylvania. The pictures have attracted some love from the MSM as well as the attention of several wildlife experts. The top candidates are
Skinny, Mangy Bear
Skinny, Mangy Bear
h/t Crytpomundo.

Whooee! If you didn't post that pitcher of the skinny bear, I wouldn't o' thought the trail pic coulda been a bear. Now, I reckon that's what it looks like. It's down on all fours an' its back feet don't look pertickler big, sez I.
Maybe it's a jackalope.
W started drinking again...
Or it could be Al Gore's ManBearPig.
Bear with Mange.. wooptie do...
That's my sister-in-law.
She needs a shave.
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