Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Rick Hillier is expected to be replaced as top military commander when his three-year term expires in February, Conservative insiders have told CTV.
The man has given lousy advice re. Afghanistan to both Paul Martin and Stephen Harper, and he has "rebuilt " the Canadian forces by throwing them into an endless guerilla conflict that will grind up tax dollars, equipment and, eventually, morale, leaving our guys ill-equipped to deal with the most pressing threats to Canadian security.
Give him his gold watch and send him out the door.

Typical Harper - doesn't take responsibility - wants to blame Hillier for O'Connor's problems.
Now you watch - Harper will appoint a hand-picked "YES" man - just like Georgie south of the border.
The men and women of our armed forces have earned the right to have the best leader they possibly can, and Rick Hillier is the best!!! To replace him now, would be devastating to the morale of our soldiers. Big, big mistake Mr. Harper. Our soldiers have a tough enough job, without you making it more difficult for them by putting in a leader who can't lead. They have a great deal of respect for Gen Hillier. Why not ask them if they think a change is necessary. The leader of our military is NOT a politician and should not be expected to behave like one, i.e., a puppet-person. Leave him alone. He's doing an awesome job, as are our soldiers.
I daresay I am more informed than the average Canadian. My son is in the military and has served three tours of duty in Afghanistan.
As for the "liberal prejudiced bigot".....????? Nothing could be further from the truth.
I think he was talking about me.
Well okey-dokey then. I will leave it to the narrow-minded among us to get into their own pissing contest.
marg anne, thank you.
Canadians are so very proud of our troops, and sincerely appreciate the unwavering support of their families.
Hillier did a fantastic job with 'his' COMBAT mission.
It was Hillier that convinced Martin to go into Kandahar, leaving the safer mission in Kabul.
He is an extremely popular General, for good reason.
O'Connor did a fantastic job reversing the Decade of Darkness and re-equipping our military.
Hillier couldn't have done it without O'Connors help.
The Afgan mission will change in Feb 2008, as Parliament dictates in the upcoming vote.
The new Commander will get new orders from his boss, PMSH.
And our brave young men and women soldiers will respect him too.
today ctv is saying the story isn't true.
"Any talk of the Conservative government replacing Gen. Rick Hillier as chief of defence staff is just speculation, says Defence Minister Peter MacKay."
What the hell is with these rumours, leaked stories, unamed sources being re-canted? Duceppe's leaving, no he isn't; Hillier's out, no he isn't. Is this just very sloppy reporting, not checking sources, or is it to stir up problems, or is it deliberately being done to test public reaction before committing formally to a statement? Both the Duceppe and Hillier stories can have heavy impact, so you would think the source would have been carefully checked by the reporter.
Interesting. How much of this is all going through Fife at CTV? First it was he was being sacked, then it was he was leaving volountarily, now...
How is it that you leftards will always cry that Canada should ban all guns, because only the cops and the military should have them? Have you noticed what can happen to a society where only the police and military have guns? Have you noticed Myanmar in the news lately? Is this the progressive socialist utopia you envision when you think of enacting more gun control? 20,000 people killed in a week, by gov't agents?
"Those who beat their swords into ploughshares will inevitably plough for those who did not."
today - "Robert Fife, CTV's Ottawa bureau chief who broke the story, said a source told him late Tuesday that Hillier had decided against an extension to his term.
"We'll see if that in fact is the case. All his office will say is that his reappointment is the prerogative of the prime minister," Fife told Canada AM on Wednesday."
900ft J
today - "Robert Fife, CTV's Ottawa bureau chief who broke the story, said a source told him late Tuesday that Hillier had decided against an extension to his term.
"We'll see if that in fact is the case. All his office will say is that his reappointment is the prerogative of the prime minister," Fife told Canada AM on Wednesday."
900ft J
Rick Hillier never knew his place and I, for one, couldn't be happier to see him go.
Hit the road, GI Joe.
if it were true, I wonder what the righties would say? Kind of places one of their heroes against another.
Why all the stories, leaks and speculative speculation?
Perhaps they are just trying on all the new frames before they decide which one looks prettiest.....
Perhaps they are just trying on all the new frames before they decide which one looks prettiest.....
I saw that on your blog, gazetteer. Good point. It really does look like the neandercons are testing something, anyway.
Yeah, the Forces should be led by a social worker, or an AIDS outreach volunteer, or a nanny. ANYBODY but a military guy. That's just so, so, unCanadian.
"Have you noticed Myanmar in the news lately? Is this the progressive socialist utopia you envision when you think of enacting more gun control? 20,000 people killed in a week, by gov't agents?"
And you think that if the Monks had guns this never would have happened?
I have news for you, if the military in Canada decides to stage a military coup, you and your guns will not stop them.
You're worried about Canadian security? What are you, a warmonger? Just so you can save our possible arctic oil & gas reserves for your buddy George Bush, right?
man, you're trolls are getting dumber by the day.
hillier deserved the boot the day he became a partisan pundit instead of a military leader.
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