Well, Connie and Mark have attracted a new champion! Prominent Canadian Neo-Nazi Paul Fromm has written in support of Free-D from his lair at Stormfront, lashing out at Warman in an open letter to all "Free Speech Supporters". Congratulations Connie and Mark. Your White Knight has arrived!
But wait! Warman's not taking this missive lying down! He's peeved, and is threatening a CHRA complaint against Paul Fromm if the offending letter isn't removed from Stormfront by the end of today!
What shall our brave Nazi do? Stay tuned!
PS, I notice that Paul Fromm's lawyer is Doug Christie, Canada's semi-official legal champion of the Right Wing fringe. He and Warman have crossed swords on a number of occasions and I wonder if, when these things settle, they don't go out and have beers together.

The other day Connie had a charming little defense of a regular poster (Harry) who has repeatedly called for death to homosexuals as "just joking"
She is one sick piece of work. And the amazing thing is, she really thinks she's just an ordinary typical Canadian with good traditional Canadian values.
I'm glad I didn't go to the same university you did. Using your logic, one can also assume that the 'Democratic People's Republic of Korea' (a.k.a North Korea) is a free and democratic utopia. Would that be correct?
Why don't you go read up on the definition of fascism (which the Nazis practiced to an extreme) and you'll see how silly (and wrong) your comment was.
In fact, go right to the source. Mussolini defined fascism as "a right-wing collectivistic ideology in opposition to socialism, liberalism, democracy and individualism".
Yep. Sounds real "leftist" to me.
Ti-Guy is the Roy Wilson of BCL. You and Wilson should start debating and see who can call the other nazi the most. As for Warman being a "rights activist", what fucking bizarro planet do you live on? What right does Warman protect? The right not to have free speech?
Now I think you guys are a little hard on oldschool; here he kindly informed us that the Nazi Party's name was in German, and I bet not one of you thought of that. I mean, I always thought it was inbantu, or Erse, or some other language. But there it is: Nationalsozialismus.
But I'm sure oldschool will feel better to know that "The party was renamed the National Socialist German Workers' Party on April 1, 1920, against Hitler's choice of Social Revolutionary Party." So Hitler wasn't so bad: he opposed socialism, just like oldschool does.
Ti-Guy is the Roy Wilson of BCL. You and Wilson should start debating and see who can call the other nazi the most.
Who's Roy Wilson?
...and no one can beat me at calling people nazis. I think any authoritarian impulse is nazi-ish, and I don't hesitate to call it that.
Rightwingers like Unschooled think any type of collectivist action is socialist, although, oddly, never think of armies, corporations or sports teams as socialist.
Left leaning 'progressives' today want to control their neighbours - that makes them more similar to the Nazi's, stalinists, communists and fascists than any other large group currently on the political radar despite the diminished meanings of those labels.
LEFT-wingers want to control their neighbours?
If FreakDominion were printed, whole forests would have been destroyed over their sad attempts to keep their neighbours from marrying who they choose.
And I'm not just talking about us queer folk either. Some of them think "inter-racial" marriage is just as evil.
You also have to remember that to the folks who think "lieberal" is the height of wit, just about everyone who has ever held office (including Deceivin' Stephen) is a raving communist. Schools, roads, fire fighters, police - just about anything funded with tax money is a communist plot.
These are the folks that are actually happy that Dalton McGuinty is going to win a whopping majority tomorrow because they think it will let them put in another Mike Harris in as leader. They're probably going to bed tonight having wet dreams of Premier Randy Hillier
I think whether Nazism is a left or right wing phenomenon is less important than the fact that they're all coming out in support of Free-D.
ti-guy is BCL's left hand.
Used when he gets warts on his right hand.
Sorry. That was a really stupid comment and I should not have made it. In my defense, I'm a crack addict.
Nice try, but Nazis were socialists. Lefties. Military doesn't "make" them right wing.
Sorry. That's the crack talking. Forgiveness, please.
Well, Liberals and NDP are both forms of socialism, and you guys hate each other's guts. At least, without telling them that.
Well, Liberals and NDP are both forms of socialism, and you guys hate each other's guts. At least, without telling them that.
Oh, get off it. Dippers hate everyone...they hate the Greens, they hate the Liberals, they hate the Conservatives...Dippers define themselves by being perpetually aggrieved.
It has nothing to do with social democracy.
Neither the Liberals nor the NDP are talking about nationalizing a damn thing. Calling them socialist may give anon 3:11 a chubby that won't quit, but it isn't remotely true. The Liberals in particular have long been the party of big business in Canada - mainly because the Conservatives and their predecessors in Reform are such a gang of mouth-breathing stumpfucks neanderthals far more concerned with stopping Bob and Mike from getting married than figuring out how to profit from it like any REAL capitalist would.
Mark Fournier was trashed in his local paper today for not bothering to campaign... don't know why... it's not like he has a job to keep him busy.
If there was any doubt that this provincial election campaign has been a bit of a snoozer look no farther than Fournier and Beneteau's behaviour.
The names of these two men will be on the ballot when you go to the polls today: Fournier for the libertarian Freedom Party and Beneteau for the socially conservative Family Coalition Party.
In the last four weeks, though, spotting either on the hustings has been like searching for Bigfoot.
Neither has an office, personal website or campaign literature, or signs (a few homemade plywood signs for Chris Beneteau have popped up, recycled from previous elections). As fringe candidates, they'd naturally have trouble finding money for such electoral aids. But they've even skipped the freebies. It doesn't cost a dime to take a seat at the head table for a candidates' debate or knock on some doors. Fournier and Beneteau have been neglectful on both counts.
Fournier, when asked why he hadn't put much of an effort into the campaign, replied, "I don't really have a good answer for you. But I would say that is an accurate assessment."
Fournier's now busy whining about it on his hate site.
Ti-Guy said...
Just a little update for you kids . . . Nazis were leftists . . . they were Socialists . . . go back and read the history books
Oh, would you just please shut up, Unschooled, you breathless moron? Nazis were fascists who supported the union of corporate and state power for the advancement of nationalism.
Their name was national socialist so they called themselves socialist.
Ti-Guy said...
No we don't. We just want rightwingers to stop saying stupid, hateful things.
As opposed to taking jobs from whites which presumably makes you sensitive. And if anyone complains about losing a job because of Hiring quotas, affirmative action, hiring freezes or they would like to apply for a scholarship that only other ethnic groups are allowed to apply for or they are miffed about not being able to go to university because even though they have the best marks there are quotas if anyone gets upset about they are hateful. Yet thoughtful sensitive types who ruin peoples lives like that are not?
You don't own a mirror, eh.
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sAoC7a Nice Article.
Thanks to author.
Wonderful blog.
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