I for one welcome the return of our feathery overlords, and apparently I'm not the only one.
[Brookline police animal control officer Pierre Verrier] tells people not to feed them, not to be intimidated by them, and to keep their distance. Still, some people cannot help themselves. They need to be near the turkeys.
Because to know them is to love them (and they're damn fine eatin', too).

"I'll only use my gun against dangerous or delicious animals."
Looks like we've found a match!
Thanks to the National Wild Turkey Federation, for reintroducing the birds back to their native ranges. BTW, that's a group of hunters.
20 gauge, 00 buckshot & dinner is targeted.
This turkey should be careful. Dubya is looking for one for his dinner table for Thanksgiving in November. Who do you think will prevail - turkey or Dubya.
ANon wrote:
"Who do you think will prevail - turkey or Dubya?"
In a battle of wits, the turkey.
I love this discussion. LOL.
Turkey? I thought that was a picture of ti-guy.
Turkey? I thought that was a picture of Frank's CUNT.
Buckshot?! Criminey! You'll blow the thing to hamburger! A tight load of #4 to the head is more meat friendly. Good call on the 20, though.
That's how Dion will start to look if he keeps abstaining on all the Conservative legislation in the house.
Ti-guy stop using "fowl" language, you're such a miserable old coot. Lighten man, the Liberals will get their turn in 2017 although you'll probably have moved on to some warmer, much warmer place by then.
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