Hi there. The Sun obviously approved the story -- they accepted it from me, edited it, laid it out on the page, wrote the headline, sent it to press, etc., etc.
I guess they just didn't like the heat they got from it -- which is really weird, because it was fairly innocuous, and the heat I've seen has been a few hard-left permanent-complainers.
Looks like political correctness has infected even the Sun -- who knew?
Political correctness, or perhaps some vague awareness of the norms of civilized discourse.
This was, by the way, the infamous column where Ezra blamed last week's fatal Calgary bus crash, and the subsequent media reaction to it, on Muslims. It appears from comments I have read on this blog and elsewhere, although I have not been able to confirm this from a source in the MSM, that the driver was distracted by "excessive cellphone use".
Nothing to do, in other words, with driving while Islamic.

Now maybe CBC will stop using Ezra on Don Newman's show. But somehow I doubt it.
Political correctness, or perhaps some vague awareness of the norms of civilized discourse.
I'd like to think ol' Ezra jumped the shark on this one, but the guy has only a fleeting relationship with the notion of maintaining one's credibility.
In other news, The Western Standard, racist rightwing rag non pareil, is still defunct.
you cherry pick from my post... excluding the actual story by ezra levant... and do it without attribution.
one class act.
I have reproduced portions of the origonal column elsewhere and have linked to your post. Don't complain.
"bcl said... don't complain"
oh right... i forgot... "dissent is verboten"
oh right... i forgot... "dissent is verboten"
And you'll keep saying that here over and over again, eh, Halls of Cacademia?
...very different than say, over at his blog, where dissenting comments are just deleted.
"ti-guy squawks... you'll keep saying that here over and over... very different than say, over at his blog"
hmmm... i've said it once.
and sorry, i can't control ezra, any more than i can control you or bcl.
but i'm sure you must have a point in there somewhere.
hmmm... i've said it once.
Don't be so literal, Ca-ca. It makes you look unsophisticated.
but i'm sure you must have a point in there somewhere.
Yes...you're a moron.
But, that's off-topic...
"ti-guy blusters... you're a moron."
hmmm... does calling someone a silly name actually affect anybody over the age of seven?
yet another demonstration of ti-guy's vast intellectual reach.
Whatever, psycho.
By the way, what's with the asterisks at the beginning and ending of all your comments? Is it an affectation...like red suspenders, or something?
Ti-guy haven'tn you heard that the North Star is the new Conservative catchphrase, since the New Government one was dead and rotting long ago. Go over to Creekside and read all about it.
And here I thought the beginning and ending asterisks meant..
"Ti-Guy said... psycho BeginAsshole... EndAsshole."
well... how can i refute that thesis?
once again, another demonstration of ti-guy's vast intellectual reach.
Someone reproduced the whole column here:
I don't know how to embed the link, but thought you might want to save it for posterity.
"Diane Demorney said... Someone reproduced the whole column..."
Or you can get the the original (unedited) version that Ezra sent to the Calgary Sun... right here.
Yeabut, decent folk don't want to click on a link that leads to Halls of Cacademia.
...the last time I went to Halls of Cacademia, I ended up with e-coli...
Y'know...on account of the caca...
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