Meanwhile, to get a taste of our ex-candidates arguements:
As for natives, it's government that created the misery that natives are in, they live under complete socialism on reserves. There is the real life example of left-wing, anti-freedom liberalism/socialism at work- government dependence and 3rd world living conditions. Luckily some native leaders are getting out of the game and embracing capitalism and it's having an amazing result.
Until tomorrow.
Update: Another Tory Candidate and his blog.

As for natives, it's government that created the misery that natives are in, they live under complete socialism on reserves. There is the real life example of left-wing
Can't see how you can argue that government didn't create this mess.
Even Chretien wanted to end this travesty back in the 70's.
Any discussion of native issues that starts off bandying the words "socialism" and "anti-freedom" has already gone off the rails.
having lived in a northern, very remote aboriginal community for four years, he is far more right than politically incorrect wrong
ti-guy, I wouldn't call anyone who wants to outlaw abortion and conduct ideological purges of the media a libertarian.
What Chris Reid is, IMO, is just another far-right nutbar who has no problem imposing his views on anyone and everyone but of course has made one hell of a big exception for his own particular deviation from the so-con straight and narrow, much the same as it's OK for Palin's daughter to fuck whoever she wants.
I wouldn't call anyone who wants to outlaw abortion and conduct ideological purges of the media a libertarian.
That's why I called him "loony libertarian." They're those types who believe their fascism is truly in the service of freedom.
Ah, OK. I thought you meant libertarians in general are loony and he was typical.
Well, I actually do believe libertarians are kind of loony, but I can respect the ones that are at least coherent.
Reid seems to have cut off commenting on his blog. Gee, I hope it wasn't something I said.
That's why I called him "loony libertarian." They're those types who believe their fascism is truly in the service of freedom.
We non-looney, coherent libertarians like to refer to these guys as "vulgar libertarians". They like to use the words of liberty and freedom to advocate for people and measures that do the opposite. Think American Enterprise Institute or CATO Institute type.
Or any Republican that thinks a $700 billion bail-out of the banks and investment houses is a good idea...
"vulgar libertarians"
I should use that instead. Maybe "Vulgartarians?"
I also use gLibertarians and Propertarians.
I'm not really that nice to youse guys, am I? ;)
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