Editor’s Note: In this column, “True North strong not free,” (April 12, 2010), quotes were attributed to the Canadian Jewish Congress that came from The Mississauga News. The CJC had posted the quotes on their website under the heading ‘Articles of Interest.’ Subsequent commentary and satire in the column was linked to those quotes. Maclean’s regrets any confusion they might have caused by attributing certain positions directly to the CJC.
The Mississauga News article, if you want to read the whole thing, is here. Steyn's reference came through Scaramouche, who was operating under the assumption that if the CJC posted something on their website, they must be in agreement with it. Steyn either accepted that assessment or, more likely, didn't give a shit. One wonders, though, what Macleans thinks of its editorial staff having to follow this guy around like a dog owner with gloves and a baggy.
In any case, you don't really need to read the Steyn piece. Its his typical Muslims blah blah, political correctness blah blah blah, with a bit of trash talking re the CJC thrown in for good measure. He really needs to find a new minority groups to bash; his schtick is getting tired.
And while we're on the topic of Mark Steyn, the folks at Media Culpa have turned uncovering the man's many instances of self-plagiarism into a cottage industry:
Whatever it’s called, there are more identical or similar (and apparently interchangeable) paragraphs. You can be chugging along through the same 500 words or so, and bump into Lloyd Axworthy in one version, and Bill Gates in the other.
And copyright? It’s nice that his publishers are willing to share (and maybe pay twice), but isn’t all this communal property stuff a bit - well, leftist?
Finally, a bit OT (but not much), I swapped a few emails this week with Isabelle, Poirier of the Gatineau police. It turns out I was right: there was indeed a third person with Nick Bergamini and Mark Klibanov the night they were allegedly attacked by a mob of machete wielding Arabs outside Le Volt. As of Friday, though, there was no more further information on the incident to be had. Updates, when they become available, should appear here but perhaps, since the "attack" seems to already have passed into the realm of legend, they don't matter.

He really needs to find a new minority groups to bash;
Don't suggest that. He'll just do a "search and replace" on the word "Muslim" in his old columns and sell them to MacLeans' which, needless to say, will escape every editor's notice over there.
What Steyn needs, in the words of his convicted felon sugar daddy, is to be horse-whipped.
I have heard a number of stories relating to Steyn and his poor research abilities. This one was so obvious I wonder if MacLean's no longer employs fact checkers?
As to his present victim, seems that Steyn is, for a change, picking on someone who is not afraid to fight back; Farber and CJC.
This could become very interesting
"there was indeed a third person with Nick Bergamini and Mark Klibanov the night they were allegedly attacked by a mob of machete wielding Arabs outside Le Volt."
Maybe it was "Mark Steyn"? LOL.
ssssh, don't tell Steyn.
U of Wyoming Disinvites Controversial William Ayers
the "attack" seems to already have passed into the realm of legend
Which was the intention from the beginning.
Dawg Writes:the "attack" seems to already have passed into the realm of legend
Which was the intention from the beginning."
Sometimes investigations such as these can take a while. I know the story seems , shall we say,"out there" and hard to accept, but I want to wait until the police finish their work before I jump to any more conclusions.
The fact that BCL was able to determine from the police spokesperson that there may have been a third witness to this changes things a bit for me.
It's hard for me to imagine this as being entirely a concoction. But we are talking young men in groups late at night at clubs. Alcohol was surely involved, and alcohol fuels flights o' fancy.
This one was so obvious I wonder if MacLean's no longer employs fact checkers?
Did it ever?
BCL, no disagreement from me, indeed any story that begins with..."it was 2am when we lwft the bar'''" is already suspect.
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