As a more serious aside, this will be a good opportunity to gauge how many people actually post to Free-D. their Facebook site has 179 members.

You would think that the FreeD owners would want to put as much distance between themselves and far right nutter Bill Whatcott as possible, but no, he's back and posting on the "Support Free Dominion" facebook site. Not only that, he's flogging the same anti-Muslim pamphlet that got them all in trouble in the first place:
Mind you the Christians at FD have the Father, Son and Holy Spirit on our side. I would suggest God is mightier then the effiminate, anti-Christian state called Canada.I still don't feel like linking directly to the offending pamphlet, but Bill's own website is here if anyone wants a look.
Note: Reality Bites tells me that Whatcott has been banned from the FD main site, though I have been unable to locate the exact thread where this occurs. We'll see how long he lasts on Facebook.
And something I missed a few days ago. The following is the text of the CHRC instructions to Free Dominion Ms. Connie Wilkins:
June 08 2007
c/o Free Dominion
2033 Unity Rd.
Elginburg, Ontario K0H 1M0
Dear Ms. Wilkins:
The Canadian Human Rights Commission has received a complaint from Ms. Gentes alleging that your website Free Dominion, located at,/ is discriminating against persons or groups of persons by communicating messages on the Internet that are likely to expose a person or persons to hatred or contempt on the basis of religion, race, national or ethnic origin and sexual orientation, contrary to section 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act (“CHRA”).
Under Part III of the CHRA, the Commission is required to address any complaint that alleges a violation of the Act. An Investigator will be designated to gather evidence in relation to the complainant’s allegations and, once the investigation is complete, to report on the findings to the Members of the Commission.
The report to the Commission will include a recommendation for the disposition of the complaint. The Investigator can recommend that a conciliator or a Human Rights Tribunal be appointed, if the evidence supports the allegations in the complaint, or that the complaint be dismissed, if the allegations are not supported by the evidence. The Investigator can also recommend to the Commission that a settlement be approved if the parties reach an agreement during the course of the investigation.
At this time, I would appreciate receiving by July 18, 2007, your position regarding the allegations including, but not limited to, the following:
1. Do you own and/or control the Free Dominion website? If not, who owns and/or controls this website?
2. What is the purpose of the website?
3. What is the intent of the information /documentation posted on the website?
4. Who is responsible for editing and/or posting the content of the information/documentation on the website?
5. How are the documents being posted on the website?
6. Who is your present Internet Service Provider (ISP)? Where is it located? Please provide a copy of the ISP’s arrangement and/or copy of the agreement with the ISP.
If someone other than yourself will be representing your organisation in this matter, please let the Commission know at your earliest opportunity by calling 1-888-214-1090 and speaking to John Chamberlain, Manager, Investigations. Also, please be advised that you are required to preserve any material related to the complaint, including information in electronic formats, until final disposition of the matter.
Yours sincerely,
Richard Tardif
Deputy Secretary General
As "Buckets" pointed out at Saturday's ProgBlog get together, all very basic stuff that the CHRC would need to determine who bears responsibility for what at the site. Of course Free D regs are screaming "kangaroo court", "commie commisars", and the like.
Until something major happens with this case, I will probably be writing about Free D less frequently over the next couple of weeks. So here are a few last hits on the topic.
Flanders is planning an on-line petition, and though I don't sign such things, my good buddy Galactus, Eater of Worlds, will probably show up and put his name to it. When details become available, I will let everyone know. I'm sure "Heywood J. Blome" will want to show his support for Free Speech, Liberty, and etc.
The Winnipeg Sun's Joe Quesnel did a short column re FreeD on Friday. He is also a member of their Facebook group.
The connections are pretty minimal, in other words. And here is a link to the entire report.
SouthWestern Ontario Liberal has a good post on this today (and is hot)....followed by the entire Progblog link list, these being the folks I am apparently "in thick" with. So if you get an unfamiliar retard threatening to fink you out to the CHRC, or linking you back to FD, that's how they found you. I, personally, am shaking in my boots. I sure hope they don't find posts like this one, where I express my love for Saddam Hussein.
PS. Why doesn't anyone on ProgBlogs say cool shit about me like that? "Ooooh! BCL, you skate sooo close to the very edge!"
Update: The first pundit chimes in, some guy from WorldNetDaily that I've never heard of named Tristan Emmanuel. And I am not impressed:
Students of history will have heard of SMERSH. It was a forerunner of the KGB, a Communist Party commissariat under Josef Stalin.
Well, Canada has its own commissariats, in the form of Human Rights Commissions.
Some people refer to them as "kangaroo courts," but that is misleading because they really are dangerous.
Kangaroos not dangerous? This clown has obviously never had to box with one of them. Fool! They only look cuddly.
Update: They've found McLelland. Oh My!
Which is fascinating when you think of it. Connie goes on the Coren show and claims that Free Dominion is "family friendly" and you naturally think of phrases like "fun for the whole family", "kid friendly", and the like. But that's not what they mean at all. In fact, when used at FD the term is defined "on the fly"--it is whatever Connie and Mark say it is at the moment they utter the words. Link to pictures of severed heads and, if Connie and Mark approve, you're "family friendly". Bill Whatcott is, therefore, "family friendly", although you probably wouldn't want your kids reading his pamphlets, and you probably wouldn't want the family dog to get close enough to pee on him in. Protest the presence of Alberta separatists on the list (for example) and boom, your ass might just get fired out the door!
Family friendly, in other words, but not towards actual empirical families.
Kanasi Lake is in Western China. For many hundreds of years, local residents have claimed that a monster or monsters live in the lake, and now they've got it on film. Local scientists theorize that the animal is a type of gigantic salmon (taimen salmon, which can allegedly reach four tonnes). Sushi for everyone, if they are right.
On the other hand, not much activity on this front from the Canadian wing of the LaRouche Youth movement. While there have been several classes held in Montreal on environmental issues, these don't seem to have inspired anything in the way of an "intervention". However, in May the Montreal LYM organized a Town Hall meeting :
...using as the invitation a cartoon of Al Gore stepping on Africa in the Cecil Rhodes colossus-pose. The flyer read: "Al Gore's Plan to Solve 'Over-population': Kill Africans."
It is a pity that LaRouche's gang doesn't seem to be well integrated into the broader Denialist movement. It would be truly wonderful to get a picture of Tim Ball, for example, presenting to a room full of LaRouchians.
Update: According to this, the Montreal youth movement did indeed attempt to disrupt Gore's speech in Montreal when he came to town.