My prediction FWIW is that this whole ugly business staggers along until Oct. 2009, with a weakening Tory caucus clinging harder and harder to their perks and position (word to staffers at the HOC cafeteria: count the spoons every night!), and the NDP, looking over their shoulders at the ominous rise of the Green Party, becoming ever more complicit.
I'm looking for a politically correct word that means the same as a "gang of sissies". Anyone got suggestions?
Update: Here come the weak excuses!

I agree it is an ominous development. However, given the conduct of the Liberal caucus for the last couple of years, I would be careful with that whole "gang of sissies" thing. Mercer didn't do "Backing Down and Loving It" for no good reason.
Mr.Murphy I usually disagree with you,when it comes to politics.But this I agree with you totally. Mr.Layton NDP has been voting none confidence,and taunting the Liberals for propping-up the government practically from day one. Now he says that he is against early election. His he kidding me? When I read this yesterday I broke out laughing. How else can anyone take this,but just laugh at it LOL.
The only way that we are going to have an election this fall is for Mr.Harper to call one himself.
P.S. I still can believe Mr.Layton is against early election LOL !!
Rough, tough cream puff comes to mind.
If the Liberals hadn't waited, the ongoing problems of the Conservatives wouldn't have it or not.
Man, you have got to get Haloscan, BCL. Hopefully before the writ is dropped; this place is going to be chock-a-block with trolls, sock-puppets, whites supremacists, cultural chauvinists, religious zealots, recreants, miscreants, termagants, Family Compact degenerates, Château Clique closet cases dweebs, feebs, geeks, 'tards, dill holes, perpetual virgins, hicks, rednecks, geriatric old crocks, frat boys, mean girls, fornicators, masturbators and glibertarians.
I feel wonderfully vindicated. I've long claimed that as soon as the Liberals showed an appetite for an election, the NDP and/or BQ would lose theirs. It takes all three to bring the government down, and the chances of it being advantageous to all three at the same time are virtually nil.
This comment by "Durwood" left on the site calls it like it is:
"Jack votes to bring down the government only when he knows therte is zero chance of that happening, now it is happening he wants more time. Yap yap yap; no bite."
Neither the LPC or NDP have any funds for an election campaign. Nor do they have any support outside of their extremist core. They know they'd lose in an election and all their bluster can't change that fact.
ZOMG, what big p*nises you all have. LOL
I for one would like Parliament to be recalled so the Ethics Committee could get them some paper from the Speaker to drag certain Tories before said committee. Now, Stefan can't say that because he's in this pissing contest with Stephan, but Jack can. One good reason for Harper to call the election before Parliament returns is to avoid that and to kill the Ag Committee as well. It will also kill a lot of bills that haven't been passed - including a certain awkward private members bill regarding abortion.
He also won't have to face up to question period, which I was quite looking forward to.
Just sayin'
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