The poll, taken earlier this week exclusively for Canwest News Service and Global National by Ipsos Reid, found that 33 per cent of respondents would vote for the Conservatives and 31 per cent would vote for the Liberals. The margin of error is within three percentage points, which means that both major parties would start a campaign with essentially the same support among the voters.
Tory's down 3, Libs up 1, from last survey, with also rans also running. Jeez that Green Shift is a real ball and chain. In any case, the "pissing off the Jews bit" is true enough:
The Canadian Jewish Congress sent a letter to Harper last week asking him to avoid setting an election on Oct. 14, 15, 21, or 22. Those dates are all key parts of the Jewish religious festival, Sukkot. Observant Jews would not be able to work for candidates on election day if the vote were set for Oct. 14.
And yet it looks like the 14th its gonna be.
Update: Steve V has the good dope.

The most interesting part of the survey was "Who would make the best PM ?
Harper 37%
Layton 17%
Dion 15%
Great news for Iggy & Red Robbie Rae
We vote on Oct 14th. Can Dion rehabilitate his reputation in six weeks ??
Who cares? You vote for the party and the issues it espouses, not the leader.
The liberals did more then enough to piss of the Jewish much so that you lost a good number of voting
On what evidence do you base this assertion?
All you have left as far as voting "blocks" go, are muslims, and SOME old school Italians (not the newer generations)...........even the large numbers of immigrants trudeau and chretien herded in like cattle so they could vote for you are starting to wake up.
On what evidence do you base these assertions?
One thing that's clear about a whole's bug-fucking stupid.
"The most interesting part of the survey was "Who would make the best PM ?"
Gee, I think the Conservatives TANKING in Ontario is a bit interesting, since it's about VOTE INTENTION and all. As for Dion, as I've said before, if we are tied with such a gap, imagine when he closes it! For historical context, Martin was up 12% when he held a similar gap over Harper.
You guys are just flailing...
Steve, NDP ahead in Maritimes. Does that sound credible?
I think that's why they say 19 times out of 20 BCL :) That's a dud if I every saw one.
Ipsos Reid almost always over-represents the Conservatives.
Nik Nanos, the most accurate pollster in Canada over the last two elections, has it:
Liberals 35
CPC 33
NDP 17
BQ 11
Grn 8
Poll details.
So were these latest polls taken before or after the tainted meat news? Shall we call this the Tainted Tory election?
Well, liberal MP's marching with Hezbollah, liberals not being quick to condemn the kidnappings or rockets fired into Israel, Michael Ignatieffs comments about "war crimes". I also read an article in the star of an Israeli restaurant owner and his wife deciding to leave the party, others ripped up their liberal membership cards (one of them was a fairly know person, can't recall who) and I have heard others simply leaving the party for that matter alone.
I think Harper has made a fair number of Jewish friends, I think he will be fine.
I am a Middle Eastern guy, of Babylonian Heritage............I know A LOT of Muslims, even in the convenience stores I worked in, I would converse with non-middle eastern Muslims as well. I can't give you recordings or documents, I am sure there are enough on the web. I can say easily that the majority of Muslims in Canada are voting liberal. The ones I know at least. I have read a survey saying that 90 % of Muslim Canadians vote liberal, but I may be wrong about that, I suspect it’s somewhat high, but I have not to date met one who votes conservative, and I know a many Muslims.
See article 4 about who Muslims traditionally vote for.
I wouldn’t cry over this too much, the Muslims are now being told to vote for the NDP, so I may be wrong……………but only after the coming election, so “run with it” if you want.
About the immigrant blocks, I can only talk about conversations with immigrants to Canada like myself. I can also say that we no longer vote liberal, my parents where simply "told" to do so, shame on them for not being informed, but they were new to the country. I know that it happens a fair bit in the TAMIL communities, and Sikh ones, people are who are new, don't know the language or politics too well, are simply "told" how to vote. There is defiantly a correlation here. I can’t say I would agree with ALL the reasons the cultural blocks agree or disagree with, but they are defiantly not acting like the expected Torontonian style Sheeple that was envisioned for them. Read the globe & mail article below.
Are there any scientific population surveys in that sea of links to opinion you provided?
Being an immigrant doesn't make you an expert on immigrants.
"Are there any scientific population surveys in that sea of links to opinion you provided?"
Lol, there you go with your technicalities. What I have heard doesn't count as anything on a humble blog postings comments section. I honestly can't provide a "scientific population survery", I would if I could find one. I cited one I recalled, and even suspected it wasn't accurate because it was so high (90 % voting liberal) If one "scientific" one was done, which I am sure has been, and you find it!!! Lets see what it shows us.
"Being an immigrant doesn't make you an expert on immigrants." doesn't. I cited a few things, and my own experience as an immigrant, why would that imply that I am some expert? Thanks for your typical liberal answer, do we all need to be some expert or guru to see the big picture?
Didn't Paul Martin poll somewhere in the 50's in the last election?
Didn't Harper poll between 19% and 10% from April to Sept 2004?
I don't pay much heed to that. It's the "values".
In a poll taken, 75% of Canadians, if they could vote in the US elections, would vote for Obama...doesn't this say that Canadians are really more Liberal?
...just saying.....
Well "piss off the Jews" is not exactly accurate. The CJC seems to have sent a note requesting/urging etc that the vote not take place on one of their key holy days. Sounds reasonable. But to claim they are "pissed" is a bit overboard.
Perhaps Jewish voters will express their disapproval in the advance poll?
this sounds like good news for the Cons:
''Ipsos Reid also asked Canadians if the government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper deserves to be re-elected.
While a majority - 48 per cent - said no, a significant number
- 44 per cent - said it did. Bricker looked at the difference between those who say they would vote Conservative - 33 per cent - and those who thinks the Conservatives deserve re-election - 44 per cent
- and said that presents an opportunity for Harper to grow his support.''
Thanks for your typical liberal answer, do we all need to be some expert or guru to see the big picture?
No, but you have to come with more compelling arguments if you want Liberals to listen to you.
Which, of course, isn't the point, right? You just like yelling at Liberals.
Save it for after the writ is dropped. Then you can really troll the shit out of Liberal blogs.
I just went to a website that had different ethnic and religious holidays. Including the various history and heritage months, I counted about 226 days that we cannot have an election.
Here's a link:
Add ml to the link
Leave it to wilson to ignore 90% of the poll and CLING to anything that looks positive for Harper.
You're a hoot.
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