Of course
this poor fool thinks the real story is that Ellen Ocran works for NDP MP
Pat Martin. But, given the fact that she is also a University of Ottawa student, I don't see how that's relevant. Doesn't she have the right to protest the people her school brings in as speakers? What is far more to the point are
these pictures of Ellen from
model-mayhem, which are irrefutable evidence of high-level sexxxiness.
Free Speech is only for conservative viewpoints! Sheesh get with the times. ;)
What about Coulter wearing those mini skirts and showing all the skin.
Neil MacDonald called them "never ending legs." I think the guy had a crush on her.
They ALL have a crush on her. Take a look at Ezra's face every time he looks at her. But she's like the hot chick at the comics convention - someone needs to tell these poor buggers that just because she reads graphic novels and paints herself Avatar blue... it still doesn't mean she's going to sleep with them.
When caught with their hands in the till, the cons first response always seams to be the time-honoured screed of the scoundrel:
"the other guys did it first."
Leaving that steaming heap alone (ie why bother to dispute the basic rationalization there)
in this case there was no obvious attempt at subterfuge (like using your mother's name and your maiden name to write a letter) so even the basic comparison is ludicrous.
Then there is the SUN attempt today, which is equally amusing:
What a ridiculous Sun article. I know that the Conservatives have organized letter-to-the-editor writing campaigns among its members, complete with templates.
Heck, I did this in the GPC, back in the day.
There's a difference when you're an MP and it's your constituency office workers doing it to promote the MP. That ceases to be voluntary opinion, or at least has that appearance.
Coulter is 49 - can't get away with the college of the 70's mini skirts much longer.
Looking at her neck, the hump in her back and protruding tummy one has to wonder if she's going through menopause and/or an eating disorder. I'm being serious here.
More from the human PEZ dispenser?
I have no problem with her protesting on her own time but I want to know if she's paid as an assistant.
Why don't you guys just go screw pumpkins.
Looking at her neck, the hump in her back and protruding tummy one has to wonder if she's going through menopause and/or an eating disorder. I'm being serious here.
I wonder where your balls will be when your 49.
If you find that picture sexy, you have more problems than who she works for or whether she was protesting on her own time...
Fred, has a problem with black people.
Fred probably has a problem with all non white people.
Just like most CPC supporters do.
Not that this means anything.
Ellen Ocran, leaves Ann Coulter in the dust.
What's really laughable about this are the forced, over-the-top reactions of the wingnuts over there. Like this is the scoop of the century.
It's what wingnuts fall back on when they've really not got anything else. And the exuberance seems to be in inverse proportion to the genuine import of event.
It's even more pathetic than their primitive, pointless biliousness.
A Dipper at a protest!? Crazy world this...
Oh, and:
But she's like the hot chick at the comics convention - someone needs to tell these poor buggers that just because she reads graphic novels and paints herself Avatar blue... it still doesn't mean she's going to sleep with them.
Christ, this is petty. Their side, not yours. I'd like to hear them explain why a staffer isn't allowed to engage in political activities on his/her own time.
Then I'd like to see them apply that to me. I'd enjoy giving them a hearty "Fuck you."
And yes, she is hot :)
Let's be honest Big City "liberal"
We all know that that if Orcan had been a conservative working for a conservative MP you & all of the alleged 'liberals' here would be vociferously waxing indignation about a conservative student working for a conservative MP protesting against the bigoted anti semetic "Israel Apartheid Week" or against some bigoted "liberal" provacateur who was booked to speak at the University and you'd be questioning whether or not a conservative student working for a conservative MP should engaging in political activities on his/her own time.
You wear your hypocrisy without shame!
Had Orcan been a conservative I doubt "Big City" would be drooling all over her....his hard on is only reserved for anyone who shares his bigoted viewpoint while pretending to be a 'liberal".
Hey Jennifer - you need to tell Big City Lib - that just because Orcan is black and protests against Coulter doesn't mean that she will sleep with him.
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