[New Democrat MP] Irene Mathyssen claimed during question period Wednesday that she saw Moore viewing pictures of "scantily clad" women on his laptop in the parliamentary chamber.
Maybe Irene Mathyss
en reacted too soon. Another five minutes and she might have caught him tugging it under the Conservative benches.
Maybe Irene Mathyss

James Moore, Public Wanker???
Update: Inconsiderate fratboy or puritanical feminazi? It is increasingly beginning to look like the latter as NDP MP Mathyssen prepares to apologize for her "spontaneous" outrage upon seeing what turned out to be pictures of Mr. Moore's girlfriend. That said, Mr. Moore, the House is for working, the Senate is for sleeping, and you look at personal pictures in your office.

I love your label "Tory sex scandal." And judging by this flaccid bunch, peeking at barenaked ladies in their unmentionables is probably all the scandal were going to get.
It looks like the opposition has finally caught a Harper Cabinet Minister in a scandal...hmmm, on second thought, maybe not.
This story screams OVERREACTION to me. We all know how difficult it is to look at ANY webpage without stumbling upon scantily clad women. I saw scantily clad women on CTV News' Politics page today (ad for winning tickets to a Spice Girls concert) CNN.com (bikini laced ad for a travel company) and on the CBC news page (ad for some CBC show or another, I forget which).
I think (so far) that the most embarrassing thing about this story is that reporters ran with it. I could be wrong, but I find it unfathomable that Moore was on a site deliberately seeking out "scantily clad women" while sitting amongst his colleagues right there in the House.
And frankly, even if he was, I couldn't care less.
At least he was in the House.
And awake.
Call me when someone's caught with actual scantily clad women in the House. THAT would be a story!
What was she doing looking at some one else's computer?
She could have spoken to him in private first.
This is such a "no story" and I hate the CPC.
NDP - the sanctimonious poops. She went on abour violence against women or something - just looking at a picture of his dog and his ex-girlfriend in a bikini leads to violence?
NDP are wackos.
I must say, why is there always something contraversial with the CPC and dogs?
The left, particularly the NDP caucus, are as moralistic a bunch as you could ever come across. Goodness gracious, checking out the babes on the net when things are a little slow in the house, sounds pretty ordinary to me.
Not when you are the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Works since Senator Fortier can't answer questions.
If the Opposition is smart, they should be targeting at least some questions to him on a regular basis.
He was probably just looking at Helena Guergis's site, or getting his latest talking points from anncoulter.com.
There are pictures at Helena Guergis's site in which she's "scantily clad"?!?!?
Why was I not informed!
The opposition has NOTHING to bitch about because Harper is doing such a great job and will have majority next year.
It's funny how the NDP wants to legalize PROSTITUTION and at the same time complains about an MP looking at a picture of his ex-girlfriend.
What a bunch of left wing loons.
Gawd, LK, you're so damned moderate.
ex-girlfriend? are you saying he is cyber stalking her?
She's marched in the London Pride parade with the gay community wearing suits, right?
On CTV both Fife and the anchor were pretty scornful of this allegation without more.
The speaker wasn't too pleased either.
The opposition's hysterics is, well, hysterical.
Moore sits on the front row, with Mathyssen 3 rows back over his right shoulder. See the seating plan here:
I think Moore should either switch seats or get one of those filters where you can't see the screen from the sides.
But my question - if Moore had been looking at scantily clad young men, would Mathyssen have made such a stink? She is, after all, a strong supporter of the gay community, a community which revels in the objectification of the human body.
Or is objectification reserved for heterosexuals ?
just the leftoid broads in the House trying to whip up some cheap and tawdry publicity for the Montreal Massacre day tomorrow.
No bad publicity when it comes to victims and climate hysteria
BCL: "Gawd, LK, you're so damned moderate."
I have a feeling I should somehow be insulted by this, but I'm not sure what it means.
Am I supposed to be up-in-arms that Moore was looking at pictures of a girl in a bikini and attacking him for it? Or, am I supposed to be outraged that an NDP MP is making an issue of his looking at a picture of a girl in a bikini and attacking her for that?
If not caring about either the "offense" or the reaction makes me too "moderate" then I guess I'm moderate.
Though, if it turns out Moore was actually surfing porn, or that Mathyss really invoked December 6th in her condemnation of Moore, then maybe I'll get hotter under the collar.
Until then?
Actually, Rabbit,I HATE stumbling across other people's computer porn, and I hate it when people show me the computer porn they particularly like, no matter what the orientation. Not because I hate porn, mind you, just because I hate other people's. If the allegations are true, and I were Mathyssen, I wouldn't be too happy about it either.
I am working on getting an enhanced shot of James Moore's palms, to see how hairy they are. That might help determine whose telling the truth.
Rumour has it that Harper likes porn where they just shake hands, naked.
Interesting that Karen Redman attacked Moore right Mathyssen. How did she see the pic?
Except that Mathhysen didn't say that it was rude to be looking at cheese cake where others could also see it, a point I would have agreed with (although she did say it was disrespectful of parliament, a point I do agree with).
Her main point was that Moore was objectifiying and being disrespectful of women.
So fine, let's have that debate. Is viewing scantily clad women disrespectful of woman? Is Matthyson's puritanical stance on this consistent with her other actions?
Seems to me that Mathhysen is less concerned with making sense than with being politically correct and scoring political points.
Well I suppose, if the whole thrust of the complaint is merely that he's objectifying women, then who cares? People objectify one another all the time (stupid phrase, frankly, one that should have died long ago). If that its he did it in a PUBLIC place, then she has a point.
Where I once worked we had a guy told to delete his Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders picks (clad in gear) because someone complained (a visiter, not even someone that worked there). Government didn't tell the employer to do that, they just did it. YOU DON'T LOOK AT SCANTILY CLAD CHICKS IN FRONT OF OTHERS IN THE CANADIAN WORKPLACE, unless you're "sure" of the people. You get caught you pay. I wouldn't expect it to be any less anal in the HOC.
Leaving aside the right or wrong of this Mr. Moore should freaking know better.
In the overcharged atmosphere of the House of Commons he had to know that looking at racy photos in view of opposition MPs is just a recipe for trouble.
So I have absolutely no sympathy for him even though I do not believe that looking at that kind of material is wrong.
But come on Mr. Moore there is a time and place for everything.
It was a picture of his dog with his ex.
So nobody should show family pics either, right?
CTV - Apology coming. Heh.
Modification coming. Bet she's still offended. James Moore should nevertheless realize that you sleep in the Senate, you work in the House, and you look at your girlfriend in your office.
that you sleep in the Senate, you work in the House, and you look at your girlfriend in your office.
O.K. That was funny about the Senate.
Let's ban Blackberries from QP too.
BCL takes the rediculous smear...
Hey, Joanne? Don't you run some sort of group therapy programme for mentally-ill Conservatives? I think I've got a referral for you.
Ottlib - you're such a partisan hack and a sniveler to boot. It was a family picture and the NDP nutjob who levelled the accusation is going to retract. You're a bunch of whackos. But this one's going to backfire on you guys.
But this one's going to backfire on you guys.
Yes, we know. Everything is always good for the Conservatives.
Christ...they're all nuts.
I just want to see some decent policy alternatives from the opposition. Instead all we get is some hail-mary type scandal-mongering which gets ever more tendentious. Give it up already.
Also is one of the leftoid parties going to make a semblance of a play for the middle ground where most of the votes are? Dion has indicated he won't because the only way he knows who to run the country is to run it like he's presiding over a marxist seminar at the university. But the way is clear for the NDP or the greens surely
The clock is still running on that Harper apology for the improper, false and only-for-the-cameras cheap shot he took at Bains.
Hmmm? Is that your crickets still?
Moore's lucky that people actually think he's interested in girls. I'd have thought it's a Wii he'd picture in a bikini...
Admit it ti-guy this one is making the opposition look so ****ing stupid.
No it isn't.
O.C. - the Liberals, the NDP and the Greens are fighting for the same turf. The Liberals under Dion are actually poised to outflank the NDP on the left. I've never seen the Liberals try that tactic before but then again, I've never seen the Liberals run by an ideologically driven little nerd with no political instincts before. We're handing the Conservatives the next election and making Harper look like a genius, he'll have won without a fight.
Sorry, I shouldn't have written that. It sounds really stupid.
Oh sorry ti-guy I forget that you have your head in the sand and can't see reality if it stared you in the face. Pathetic cretin.
Oh pipe down. Go take your thorazine, loony.
Robert in Hamilton - actually that 11:29 comment is the smartest thing said on this comment string tonight, although with posters like ti-guy and ottlib you're not exactly up tough. What sounds really stupid is ti-guy's utterances and sock-puppetry.
Now I know where all the cretins are coming from. Jo-Jo linked to BCL from her blog and all her readers have shown up here.
Why should PM Harper apologize to Bains? Sometimes the truth stings.
..and really ..flaccid comments? Coming from supporters of the party that couldn't find their backbone if handed a Grays anatomy, that's rich..
See? Kursk is like a star over at Jo-Jo's.
...she really shouldn't let them stray so far, though. They could become lost, become hysterical, and soil themselves.
So ABC news has a headline "MP caught looking at porn in Parliament" - way to go NDP and Liberal hack jobs. Karen Redman Liberal MP has to apologize too. This is a great day for the Conservatives - the Liberals and the NDP are made to look like extemist humourless puritanical jerks. Usually it's just the NDP that gets carried away with this but the Liberals are always trying to one up them these days. Keep it up guys, the Conservatives will win the next election by default.
I heard that child killer Robert Latimer was denied parole today. Too bad Dion's in Bali getting a tan, he'd be sreaming for his immediate release.
"This is a great day for the Conservatives - the Liberals and the NDP are made to look like extemist humourless puritanical jerks. Usually it's just the NDP that gets carried away with this but the Liberals are always trying to one up them these days. Keep it up guys, the Conservatives will win the next election by default."
That is right. The entire country is now thinking this incident is the turning point.
Why worry about the economy, global warming or the conservatives' rather puzzling and disturbing position on clemency for Canadian citizens.
See. an NDP MP suggested a conservative MP misbehaved, and a liberal MP sort of suggested the same.
I guess all the opposition parties should just pack up and leave the country to the guys who spend their time in the HofC looking at personal photos on their laptops rather than actually pay attention to what is going on.
It is sad when someone considers THIS incident a great day for the conservatives.
What do you have against India?
It is sad when someone considers THIS incident a great day for the conservatives.
I think it is a great day for Conservatives. For a brief moment, they got to imagine that that gastropod James Moore may in fact have a libido after all.
Speaking of Moore, this is my favourite picture of him.
*snort*...What a dork fest.
Oh dear. This one seems to have backfired.
Porn is subjective.
I'm sure Joanne with her so-con bend things thinks showing anything above your ankle to be vulgar.
Yeah, who could have believed that fat choad would ever be interested in pictures of scantily clad women?
That's like believing Flaming Panties has ever touched a boob.
There's Ti-Guy with his "Conservatives don't have sex" theme again. Apparently anyone without his voracious appetite for rectal insertion and anal stimulation is frigid. Years of bare-backing in the slammer gives you a funny perspective sometimes.
Years of bare-backing in the slammer gives you a funny perspective sometimes.
Getting wistful and nostalgic, are you?
This post is in violation of the Libel and Slander act. The allegation posted is knowingly false and defamatory, and the owner of the site acknowledged this to be true at 9:49 this evening. Subsequent posts to the contrary, this post is continuing to be seen. As such, it remains a potentially actionable offense.
The site owner would be well advised to remove the post, or alter it to remove the false and defamatory content, and put an apology in its place.
Is Karen Redman going to apologize as well? Or leave her baseless accusation in the press stand? She's a Liberal MP folks.
Or does Moore have to apologize for being a man? Gayle and her feminazis probably think so.
The Liberals are getting just as sanctimonious as the NDP with that sniveler Stephane Dion in charge.
So - let me get this straight - The dippers (and the libs) think it is "progressive" and "liberated" to have naked men parading down the street in front of children, but a man looks at a bikini clad picture of his girlfriend on his private computer and it is world news?
If the opposition had not degraded Canada to a laughingstock with the whole Schrieber-gate fiasco, this will most certainly do it.
This nut-job NDP MP needs to apologize to Moore and to Canadians for her asinine behaviour and Karen Redman should follow suit.
Oh - yeah - these so called "feminists" do not even remotely speak for me.
"Or does Moore have to apologize for being a man? Gayle and her feminazis probably think so."
Yay - no one has called me a feminazi since Istarted hanging out with adults :).
Not that I mind being referred to as a feminist, because I most definately am one, but I do find this comment curious since I did not post anything to support Mathyssen, or Redman.
I totally understand why it is offensive for an MP to be extolling the virtues of a Sunshine Girl/Boy during proceedings in the HofC, but obviously it was wrong of her to act before confirming that was what was going on. Not only is she rightfully embarassed because she acted without the facts, she has also brought out all the idiots who use terms like "feminazi" to describe women who oppose the notion that women should be valued for the size of their breasts rather than the quality of their character.
So - let me get this straight...
Ooh...Ouch...With Alberty Gal, that's always a warning that whatever follows is going to be horribly garbled.
Someone else read it for me, please! I just can't bear to look.
ti - there was nothing straight about that post. It was the usual twists of logic.
With a thread reference of "Public Masturbation", you just KNOW ti-guy is gonna be all over this topic!
Are you kidding? I know what masturbation is (been there, done that), and being exposed to you cretins is nothing like that.
Odd, I didn't think I'd have to explain that to wankers, but, well anyway...
I smell a lawsuit . . .
Gee, I state in my comment that I do not believe Mr. Moore did anything wrong except show poor judgement and I am labeled a partisan hack for it by known Conservative trolls.
Kind of makes you wonder who are the real partisan hacks.
But let me be more clear. This is a non-story. I do not care what he looks at or when.
However, if he so chooses to look at what some will consider to be questionable material, in a public place and in full view of his political opponents, he deserves any negative fallout that comes his way as a result of his poor judgement.
Note Conservative trolls I have still not criticised him for looking at the pictures but feel free to ignore that some more as you hurl more accusations at me.
I smell a lawsuit . . .
Oooh...scary HarpoKKKons hinting vaguely at grave consequences.
Run away, run away....Shriek!
Where are the "fwee speach" warriors when you need them?
Has anyone seen his girlfriend?
How are we supposed to know if she was being objectified if we don't know if she is hot or not.
The funny part is Mr. Moore was showing his pictures to a liberal who happens to have the same type of dog! Perhaps this liberal was focusing too much on Mr. Moores girlfriend who was in the background. I think this is another liberal SCANDAL!!!
By the way ti-guy your mother wants you to put on some clean pjs. The ones you have on are a week old and are really pissy!!!
big suit for a big man look the guy who wearing suit.
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