Hey Stephen, I thought you Tories were all about personal responsibility. Why not take some?
Why should he? He didn't make the decision to shut it down. He wasn't in charge of it's repair & maintenance schedules for the last 30 years. He wasn't responsible for ensuring that there was an inventory buildup or alternative supplies before shutting down.
Maybe if the lefty MSM would stop obsessing about KHS and other non-issues and actually dig into something, they might be able to provide answers instead of making up stupid smearing questions.
This is a winner on multiple fronts for ol' Harpy. He can go after the Liberals by implying that their partisanship at the CNSC is to blame, go after the nanny-state by blaming a crown corporation, fire up his sanctimonious base by feeding the incurious and dull-witted Conservatives assertions that are impervious to critical thought or empirical proof and generally distract the media and the electorate from thinking about how little his government has actually accomplished.
The Conservative Party of Canada: Demonstrating to Canadians how bad Government is by being a very bad Government.
Are you sir such an idiot as to not recognize that Mr.Harper has taken decisive action...Tell me something...Would YOU give A SH-T if you OR YOUR family had cancer and had to have the tests..you bet you would. Would you CARE who got the reactor to work again?...NO YOU WOULD NOT!. YOU have a lot of "thank yous" to give MR. HARPER...He truly is a leader...I have not even touched on Ralph Goodale's LIBERAL FLACK who runs the organization that shut the reactor down ...SHE did NOT care that she was jeopardizing the lives of THOUSANDS of patients WORLDWIDE! But after all...SHE IS A LIBERAL...WHY SHOULD SHE CARE?
Whooee! In 1998, they had a labour dispute at Chalk River which caused the reactor to be shut down. MDS Inc. is the private sector supplier of medical isotopes that distributes AECL's product. During the strike, MDS was able to honour its contracts using alternative, more expensive, sources.
They saw the 1998 shutdown coming and they made alternate arrangements.
They saw this shutdown coming, too. Why did they not make alternate arrangements this time? Do you suppose a manufactured crisis might be used to discredit a pesky regulatory agency? Could someone want the price of the up-for-sale AECL to go down? Could big for-profit business like the nuclear industry exercise undue influence on a Conservative government?
Lives were at stake. That is simply because AECL falsified a report saying it had performed required upgrades when, in fact, it had not done so. To complicate matters and ensure that a crisis developed, AECL failed to inform the affected medical users that they would be cut off.
MDS Nordion failed to procure isotopes from an alternative supplier, even though procedures for doing so were laid out after the 1998 labour dispute.
Are you sir such an idiot as to not recognize that Mr.Harper has taken decisive action...Tell me something...Would YOU give A SH-T if you OR YOUR family had cancer and had to have the tests blah, blah, blah...*hiss*...*snarl*...
Whenever one of these cretins supports something Harper has done, it only proves that he's done the wrong thing. Actions that appeal to angry, stupid loudmouths should, on principle, be opposed by sensible, decent people.
And in case your head is too filled with rage to understand, anony-tard...it's Harper policising this issue that's the problem. He's disgraced himself once again, as the country's only successful rightwing newspaper concluded today.
Ti-Guy...Obviously you are a nut with too much time on your hands...It's time that you got out of your dungeon and get some light...Like a mushroom, you've been growing in the dark for far too long. Since I know that I am dealing with a nut i can no longer waste my precious time with you.... bye, bye...
So, is nuclear science good or bad? Is it saving more lives than it kills? Exactly how many people have died in nuclear power plant accidents over the years? Anybody know?
Seems that as of July 2006 the Harper government is trying to sell a big chunk of AECL to General Electric. Maybe part of the unspoken deal with GM is that Steve and Company have to destroy the CNSC.
Just a year or so ago, the Harperites made a 'political appointment' of their own in new AECL chair Michael Burns. Mr. Burns served on AECL's board of directors during the Mulroney years.
Mr. Burns is a very busy man, being Chair of Pacific Destination Services (a B.C. travel agent) and also Chair of NaiKun Wind Development (an energy supply competitor of AECL). This last role might be thought to be a conflict of interest with his duties at AECL under most views of proper business practices.
Just a year or so ago, the Harperites made a 'political appointment' of their own in new AECL chair Michael Burns. Mr. Burns served on AECL's board of directors during the Mulroney years.
Ya gotta admit. The Harpies do have a plan.
...oh, God, it's the Harris years all over again. Manufactured crises planned well in advance.
So, is nuclear science good or bad? Is it saving more lives than it kills? Exactly how many people have died in nuclear power plant accidents over the years? Anybody know?
Good or bad? Is this a serious question? Are you going to balance the number of people who have died "over the years" (?) with the number of people who have been supplied energy to heat their homes in the winter?
Actually, I'm being a bit dishonest. Of course we all nuclear science is TEH EVIL - especially beta decay, that motherf*cker would kill his own mother for five dollars.
No it wasn't a serious question; I was baiting a hook. I wanted to see if the lib-tards here had any idea how many people die related to nuclear power vs. coal power. You know, because they all believe nuclear power is sooooo evil that you can't even use it to save the planet from the imminent destruction of AGW, which will destroy us all any minute now, if only a few countries don't reduce their emissions. Or pay up $$$$$$$$.
Why should he? He didn't make the decision to shut it down. He wasn't in charge of it's repair & maintenance schedules for the last 30 years. He wasn't responsible for ensuring that there was an inventory buildup or alternative supplies before shutting down.
Maybe if the lefty MSM would stop obsessing about KHS and other non-issues and actually dig into something, they might be able to provide answers instead of making up stupid smearing questions.
AECL has been a bottomless pit of taxpayer's money for decades.
Time to nuke it, fire all the useless fools that manage it.
Go Steve go . . . keep up the great work
Wow! You guys are entirely without shame.
Hello! It's happening under his watch - Stephen is responsible - but does not have the balls that Chrétien has. But he's got a calendar.
Let him keep blaming everyone else. It is easier and easier to see through this every day.
Maybe he can blame the conservative appointee, André Harvey, of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission which Harper appointed in June 2006.
This is a winner on multiple fronts for ol' Harpy. He can go after the Liberals by implying that their partisanship at the CNSC is to blame, go after the nanny-state by blaming a crown corporation, fire up his sanctimonious base by feeding the incurious and dull-witted Conservatives assertions that are impervious to critical thought or empirical proof and generally distract the media and the electorate from thinking about how little his government has actually accomplished.
The Conservative Party of Canada: Demonstrating to Canadians how bad Government is by being a very bad Government.
Try blaming the company which manufactured this crisis. We've been suckered again.
Are you sir such an idiot as to not recognize that Mr.Harper has taken decisive action...Tell me something...Would YOU give A SH-T if you OR YOUR family had cancer and had to have the tests..you bet you would. Would you CARE who got the reactor to work again?...NO YOU WOULD NOT!. YOU have a lot of "thank yous" to give MR. HARPER...He truly is a leader...I have not even touched on Ralph Goodale's LIBERAL FLACK who runs the organization that shut the reactor down ...SHE did NOT care that she was jeopardizing the lives of THOUSANDS of patients WORLDWIDE! But after all...SHE IS A LIBERAL...WHY SHOULD SHE CARE?
Whooee! In 1998, they had a labour dispute at Chalk River which caused the reactor to be shut down. MDS Inc. is the private sector supplier of medical isotopes that distributes AECL's product. During the strike, MDS was able to honour its contracts using alternative, more expensive, sources.
They saw the 1998 shutdown coming and they made alternate arrangements.
They saw this shutdown coming, too. Why did they not make alternate arrangements this time? Do you suppose a manufactured crisis might be used to discredit a pesky regulatory agency? Could someone want the price of the up-for-sale AECL to go down? Could big for-profit business like the nuclear industry exercise undue influence on a Conservative government?
Lives were at stake. That is simply because AECL falsified a report saying it had performed required upgrades when, in fact, it had not done so. To complicate matters and ensure that a crisis developed, AECL failed to inform the affected medical users that they would be cut off.
MDS Nordion failed to procure isotopes from an alternative supplier, even though procedures for doing so were laid out after the 1998 labour dispute.
Are you sir such an idiot as to not recognize that Mr.Harper has taken decisive action...Tell me something...Would YOU give A SH-T if you OR YOUR family had cancer and had to have the tests blah, blah, blah...*hiss*...*snarl*...
Whenever one of these cretins supports something Harper has done, it only proves that he's done the wrong thing. Actions that appeal to angry, stupid loudmouths should, on principle, be opposed by sensible, decent people.
And in case your head is too filled with rage to understand, anony-tard...it's Harper policising this issue that's the problem. He's disgraced himself once again, as the country's only successful rightwing newspaper concluded today.
Ti-Guy...truth hurts doesn't it?
No, stupidity hurts, anony-tard....like a hot knife through my brain.
You're lucky to be spared that kind of pain. I envy you...I really do.
Ti-Guy...Obviously you are a nut with too much time on your hands...It's time that you got out of your dungeon and get some light...Like a mushroom, you've been growing in the dark for far too long. Since I know that I am dealing with a nut i can no longer waste my precious time with you....
bye, bye...
Don't do me any favours, 'tard...
"i can no longer waste my precious time with you...."
Important paint by numbers to get done or a two piece puzzle?
So, is nuclear science good or bad? Is it saving more lives than it kills? Exactly how many people have died in nuclear power plant accidents over the years? Anybody know?
The entire Commision are Lib Appointees . . . maybe someone should ask citizen dion . . . he must have been around for some of the appointments!!!
This of course explains why the commission is totally incompetent!!!
Like where did they get them . . . from VIA Rail or the CBC???
Seems that as of July 2006 the Harper government is trying to sell a big chunk of AECL to General Electric. Maybe part of the unspoken deal with GM is that Steve and Company have to destroy the CNSC.
Just a year or so ago, the Harperites made a 'political appointment' of their own in new AECL chair Michael Burns. Mr. Burns served on AECL's board of directors during the Mulroney years.
Mr. Burns is a very busy man, being Chair of Pacific Destination Services (a B.C. travel agent) and also Chair of NaiKun Wind Development (an energy supply competitor of AECL). This last role might be thought to be a conflict of interest with his duties at AECL under most views of proper business practices.
Just a year or so ago, the Harperites made a 'political appointment' of their own in new AECL chair Michael Burns. Mr. Burns served on AECL's board of directors during the Mulroney years.
Ya gotta admit. The Harpies do have a plan.
...oh, God, it's the Harris years all over again. Manufactured crises planned well in advance.
So, is nuclear science good or bad? Is it saving more lives than it kills? Exactly how many people have died in nuclear power plant accidents over the years? Anybody know?
Good or bad? Is this a serious question? Are you going to balance the number of people who have died "over the years" (?) with the number of people who have been supplied energy to heat their homes in the winter?
Actually, I'm being a bit dishonest. Of course we all nuclear science is TEH EVIL - especially beta decay, that motherf*cker would kill his own mother for five dollars.
Paul Martin, the senior liberal minister in Quebec isn't responsible for the Liberal run, and Quebec based, adscam,
but Harper's responsible for a single reactor in Ontario.
that, boys and girls, is why I come here. You can't find entertainment like this just anywhere.
No it wasn't a serious question; I was baiting a hook. I wanted to see if the lib-tards here had any idea how many people die related to nuclear power vs. coal power. You know, because they all believe nuclear power is sooooo evil that you can't even use it to save the planet from the imminent destruction of AGW, which will destroy us all any minute now, if only a few countries don't reduce their emissions. Or pay up $$$$$$$$.
which will destroy us all any minute now
If only. Then at least no one have to listen to anony-tards spewing nonsense all the time.
This "lib-tard" doesn't think nuclear power is evil, just an extremely technocratic solution to a problem that is largely political and social.
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