And really, think about the hero yòu could be facing off against as you call it, a ``far right lunatic and bigot`. `Better yet, try sneaking a look under my bed if youi want you, maybe you will find a Nazi. But I warn you, stay the hell out of my bathroom. Come on down, and make my day.
Ed's cool with Mark Steyn, though:
You might also like to get it through your politically corrupt head that I speak for myself, you do not even have a clue if I even like Mark Steyn, but it is indeed difficult not to admire a quick wit such as his that makes a damned fool and laughing stock out of you. Indeed.
At least that's my interpretation. There's that whole coherence thing again.
And Mark Steyn is asking, nay demanding, that folks like Edward be allowed to get within a hundred yards of HRC investigators.

We kicked butt in Saskatchewan tonight.
This is not, I repeat not a good night for Dion. It does look like the Liberals will win a cliff-hanger in Vancouver-Quadra.
The last set of bye-elections told us that there were no longer any safe seats in Montreal for the Liberals. This round has told us that there are no safe Liberal seats in Vancouver.
Circle the wagons around the GTA: Toronto is the last safe haven for the Liberal party under the dionistas.
I think the Stephane Dion has some s'plaining to do.
Liberals drop
16 points,
in both Sask, and Quadra (a "liberal stronghold).
16 points.
Bad enough for the libs to lose some major ground,
but no bad enough for Dion to get ousted, and so the bleeding will continue.
Badda bing, badda bang.
Heh. The trolls couldn't hold back their climaxing until BCL posted something about the election and ended up bukkaki'ing all over this thread.
Clean this mess up, Biff. It's disgusting.
So, it seems strange that so many of Syed Soharwardy's critics are having "accidents" where their houses get firebombed or they get beat up. Almost a coincidence, no? Yet, you seem to think he's a super nice guy. Do you support the use of violence in general to suppress your opponents, or is violence okay as long as it's between "those people"?
Do you support the use of violence in general to suppress your opponents...
...who are nazis? Sure! Sign me up.
You think you righties are the only ones who are allowed to be intimidating and menacing?
You see nazis everywhere, don't you ti-guy. And KKK. Rewriting history is hard, though. Nazis and Fascists were socialists, and the KKK was made up of Democrats. So, you're angry at the horrible history of the Left, and you lash out with lies and name-calling hoping to deflect the truth, all the while exposing yourself for the little hateful totalitarian you are.
Go back to Stormfront/FD.
We win;)
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