The Folks at ARC point out the distinction between a CHRC clippings file--which first sent the Speechy Tribe into a frenzy of self-righteous paranoia,
and then into a fit of depression when they realized that the State not only wasn't watching but didn't give a shit about them-- and
a real enemies list, compiled by Stormfront, of the CHRC's various employees. Check marks beside their names mean that personal and professional information has been posted to the Stormfront site.
fans of James Von Brunn on Stormfront, it should be noted.
Why do Nazis get reflexively brought into the discussion whenever Canada's HRC's are mentioned?
Is it an attempt to sidestep scrutiny about whether our various HRC's are legitimate?
And if Nazis are a serious threat to Canadians, it is ludicrous to believe our HRC's could protect us from the threat.
Just look at how completely oblivious the HRC was to the presence of the Toronto 18 and their supporters.
Yeah, the neo-nazis' posting of CHRC employee information is a "reflex" on BCL's part.
Quality thinking there, Poopy-Pants Paulie.
Our HRC's are blind to any of the real threats we may face in Canada Ti. Raising the specter of resurgent Nazis(!!!) doesn't change that.
Our HRC's are blind to any of the real threats we may face in Canada Ti.
Not blind. It's just not in their mandate to deal with obesity and post-literacy.
Of course they are blind Ti. Blind, because they are ideologically driven and not justice driven. Blind because ancient legal concepts are casually discarded.
But let's get back to those scary Nazis.
"lind, because they are ideologically driven and not justice driven. Blind because ancient legal concepts are casually discarded."
Got any examples that aren't going to be double dipped in your own personal bias Paul?
Got any examples...
The day Paulie substantiates one of his assertions is the day I drop dead.
You'd think that would be an incentive for the trolls, but no.
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