The September anti-HST rallies fizzled in most locations, other than Vancouver where the crowd was variously estimated at 5,000 (Vander Zalm) to 1,000 (media skeptics.)
For the most part, the movement lacked the kind of organizational acumen that can turn the virtual reality of online petitions and Facebook entries into an actual physical presence at protest rallies -- and muster the workforce necessary to gather actual, physical signatures for recall and initiative.
Meanwhile, Layton and candidate Fin Donnelly will be banging the drum loudly over this issue in New Westminster-Coquitlam, and it wouldn't surprise me if that is enough to keep the seat NDP. But beyond that, don't seethe issue gaining much traction at the federal level.
PS. Probably all you'll get out of me today, as the wife and I will be off hiking before we go eat turkey. If anyone else with blogger is having trouble with labels, you are not alone. The blogger "team" is working on it. For the time being, the best bet seems to be posting without.
h/t AD, who sees hope where there is none.

Have a good time and don't over indulge at the table. You'll have to hike all next week to make up for it.
I live in New Wetminster, just outside this riding. There is no drum beat. The Conservatives will win.
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