[Former Rheostatics singer Dave] Bidini also questions Harper’s piano playing that night. “You never see his hands. If they were really going to do this, and if he really is an accomplished piano player, don’t you kind of sell that a little bit? ...There’s something about it that just doesn’t ring true.”
Booyah! This is worse than wafergate! Watch the momentum leak away!

Not a chance. See all those musicians behind him? You think one of them wouldn't talk if he'd been faking it?
Ti-Guy wins it all. Hilarious.
Adrian, SH would have had their hands cut off.
Ti-Guy wins it all. Hilarious.
I can't win. I was obviously lying. There's no way Harper's penis is out of any number of Conservative mouths long enough to be able to perform like this.
After wafers and bodybags, when are you guys going to clue into reality?
I know the polls numbes are bad and Bob Rae is knifing Iffy but still now a NAC fake scandal too.
After wafers and bodybags, when are you guys going to clue into reality?
The minute you get a sense of humour, troll.
And speaking of polls, does anyone know under which bed number one Iggynaut Ted Betts hides whenever the Liberals do poorly in the (so-called) polls?
Don't be mean to Ted.
Just a quick point on this gonad CanadianNonsense. He claims to have some level of objectivity, but look at the comments he leaves over at safe haven Con blogs:
"It is safe to ignore the Liberals until WE call an election."
Big Bob Rae supporter back in the day. Oh, for sure. Please.
Anyways, I understand why he frequents the Liberal blogs, nobody visits that morgue he calls home.
shush steve v, adults talking here.
Don't be mean to Ted.
I'm not being mean. I'm asking for these high-powered Iggynauts to step up to the plate.
Anyways, I understand why he frequents the Liberal blogs, nobody visits that morgue he calls home.
And no one can repay the Conservatives for the trolling...er, attention...they pay Liberals, since their blog commenting is shut down tighter than..than...
...Kate McMillan's legs at a family reunion?
Meh. Needs work.
Rae is not doing anything, he merely stood up against a guy who was clearly out of control. The fact you are going with this angle says more about your own bias, than anything substantive.
blues clair
How juvenile ;)
So how much did Iggy sink in the polls today ?
Nice diversion attempt.
Nice diversion attempt.
...and with a flip of his hair, he flounced off.
Free speech no longer welcome on this Lib blog?
Free speech no longer welcome on this Lib blog?
You were abusing his property rights.
Harpo faking it? That would hardly come as a surprise to Laureen Teskey.
Whooee! I don't doubt that the guy was singin' an' plinkin'. What I doubt is that the guy was really Harper. Look at the colour of that face. I figger it was somebuddy wearin' one o' them there rubber masks like on the ol' Mission Impossible show.
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