I'm a little dismayed when I think that there are a lot of non-political staff who are simply putting up with this.
I routinely edit out political messaging in the reports I'm responsible for. I don't even ask. I just do it and dare anyone to complain about following standard practice.
Michael, nice try to change the channel, but the Libs are not the government now ...Harper & Co. are.
And to answer your oh-so-typically dumb CPC question, the Libs HAVE renovated. There were some bad apples and the matter is now being dealt with in the courts. Iggy and the current LPC have as much to do with this matter as Harper does with the Airbus scandal. DEAL WITH IT!!!
Now what does Adscam have to do with the way Harper & Co have been running the EAP? I mean aside from the fact that they are behaving as dirty Liberals.
This news story should be a wake-up call to the Harper-apologists that this was what Steve was supposed to change when he got the big chair.
I can only assume that you agree with me that the Harper conservatives are lying, hypocrites that must also be held accountable for their rape of the public's finances. If not, then get lost - you're only embarrassing yourselves otherwise.
This news story should be a wake-up call to the Harper-apologists that this was what Steve was supposed to change when he got the big chair.
Harper started this kind of stuff the day he became PM. They're *never* going to wake up to this, simply because it doesn't matter to them.
The Harper government was in a structural deficit last year, has added another 60 billion to that, and they're still screaming about a scandal that, on top of having been the focus of an expensive commission of inquiry called by the Liberals, is trivial in the larger scheme of the country's finances.
I really don't understand what they intend to get out of supporting the Harper government for much longer. Their taxes are not going to go down (they are going to go up), they're not going to get constitutional changes that Alberta hopes will give it disproportionate influence over the federal government so it can hoard (and squander) its oil wealth and we've already seen what Harper thinks of social conservatism and transparency/accountability.
What on Earth do they think they have left? Seriously, how much more satisfaction can they derive from fucking over lib/lefties for the sheer hell of it?
I'm afraid this latest outbreak of Adscam fever is my fault, Ti-Guy. I mentioned Benoit Corbeil's name over at Macleans a couple of hours before Michael left his droppings here. Coicidence, no doubt. Michael forgot to mention that Corbeil's victim was the Liberal Party of Canada link I'm shocked, SHOCKED!, that the CTV article doesn't mention this. Michael probably had to search for a few minutes before he found an article that omitted that inconvenient piece of information.
I'm afraid this latest outbreak of Adscam fever is my fault,
Oh, it's not an outbreak and it's no one's fault. It's always there. That's all they have: Hitler, Stalin and Adscam. Everything can be explained or argued using variations of those three themes.
I believe it's called the "Leadership Principle" [my translation]
I'm a little dismayed when I think that there are a lot of non-political staff who are simply putting up with this.
I routinely edit out political messaging in the reports I'm responsible for. I don't even ask. I just do it and dare anyone to complain about following standard practice.
TG, I am surprised to hear you are gainfully employed.
Glass house? Time for the Liberals to renovate -
TG, I am surprised to hear you are gainfully employed.
Well that's rude.
Someone should ask at the next such announcement; "Are you referring to the Government of Harper?"
For proper usage, though,it should always be "the corrupt Harper government".
Michael, nice try to change the channel, but the Libs are not the government now ...Harper & Co. are.
And to answer your oh-so-typically dumb CPC question, the Libs HAVE renovated. There were some bad apples and the matter is now being dealt with in the courts. Iggy and the current LPC have as much to do with this matter as Harper does with the Airbus scandal. DEAL WITH IT!!!
Now what does Adscam have to do with the way Harper & Co have been running the EAP? I mean aside from the fact that they are behaving as dirty Liberals.
This news story should be a wake-up call to the Harper-apologists that this was what Steve was supposed to change when he got the big chair.
I can only assume that you agree with me that the Harper conservatives are lying, hypocrites that must also be held accountable for their rape of the public's finances. If not, then get lost - you're only embarrassing yourselves otherwise.
ConScam - says it all, doesn't it?
Or is it now the Country of Harper?
How is it possible that the rest of Canada is still falling for this s**t and that they think this abuse of our funds, country and politics is OK?
This news story should be a wake-up call to the Harper-apologists that this was what Steve was supposed to change when he got the big chair.
Harper started this kind of stuff the day he became PM. They're *never* going to wake up to this, simply because it doesn't matter to them.
The Harper government was in a structural deficit last year, has added another 60 billion to that, and they're still screaming about a scandal that, on top of having been the focus of an expensive commission of inquiry called by the Liberals, is trivial in the larger scheme of the country's finances.
I really don't understand what they intend to get out of supporting the Harper government for much longer. Their taxes are not going to go down (they are going to go up), they're not going to get constitutional changes that Alberta hopes will give it disproportionate influence over the federal government so it can hoard (and squander) its oil wealth and we've already seen what Harper thinks of social conservatism and transparency/accountability.
What on Earth do they think they have left? Seriously, how much more satisfaction can they derive from fucking over lib/lefties for the sheer hell of it?
I'm afraid this latest outbreak of Adscam fever is my fault, Ti-Guy. I mentioned Benoit Corbeil's name over at Macleans a couple of hours before Michael left his droppings here. Coicidence, no doubt. Michael forgot to mention that Corbeil's victim was the Liberal Party of Canada link
I'm shocked, SHOCKED!, that the CTV article doesn't mention this. Michael probably had to search for a few minutes before he found an article that omitted that inconvenient piece of information.
I'm afraid this latest outbreak of Adscam fever is my fault,
Oh, it's not an outbreak and it's no one's fault. It's always there. That's all they have: Hitler, Stalin and Adscam. Everything can be explained or argued using variations of those three themes.
Harper and Friends Ltd.
Harper Inc.
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