Tuesday, March 23, 2010

No She Won't...

...file a HRC complaint, that is. Here's the prohibited grounds o' discrimination:

3. (1) For all purposes of this Act, the prohibited grounds of discrimination are race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability and conviction for which a pardon has been granted.

Being a Conservative ain't one of them. Coulter's complaint would go straight into the waste basket.

Given the way she mangles her discussion of Canadian law, one can only assume it was Ezra that explained it to her.

PS. Am looking for an Ann Coulter ass-shot from her London performance. Please link in comments.


Gayle said...

"Given the way she mangles her discussion of Canadian law, one can only assume it was Ezra that explained it to her."


Tof KW said...

Being a Conservative ain't one of them.

Neither is being populist, neo-liberal, wingnut dipshit that's ignorant of Canadian law. If this actually makes it to a judge, send any bills for public legal proceedings straight back to Coulter. Why should we taxpayers be on the hook for such frivolous accusations?

JF said...

Uh huh, so in Coultier world being urged to practice restraint, respect and consideration is discrimination?

Who raised her? Wolves? Because those are pretty much just things that folk who are functional members of society ought to do automatically.

How in the world did Ezra manage to get a law license? Obviously the Canadian Bar Association needs some higher standards.

Big Winnie said...

Knowing that the CONs want to dismantle the HRC, isn't it ironic that a Republican is contemplating raising one?

KC said...

How in the world did Ezra manage to get a law license? Obviously the Canadian Bar Association needs some higher standards.

The Canadian Bar Association has no role in licensing lawyers, and is merely a voluntary lawyers advocacy group. Many lawyers (myself included) arent even members. You're thinking of the Law Society of Alberta in Ezra's case.

But ya... Coulter is an idiot. That letter was totally within bounds.

sassy said...

JF, please take it easy on the Wolves, they really don't deserve that comparison.

Ti-Guy said...

"Who raised her? Wolves?"

People just like her, from what I can gather. If you've ever had to spend any time with these types of people, you'd find out that family discussions usually consist of gossipping about and bad-mouthing everyone. And not in a way that is gently mocking or even entertaining. Just bloody-minded, withering and devoid of any sympathy or charity.

wilson said...

Coulter is on Power Play today (CTV) be sure to watch....

49 Steps said...

Ann Coulter believes she has been wronged????

Gee, tell that to the Gays, Muslims, Jewish people, catholics,
physically and mentally handicapped, 911 widows, blacks, liberals, all non republican Americans, and basically any human being on earth who finds her speech offensive.

I think they all feel wronged.

She is so beyond vile.

She does have her fans, Canadian Sense, Wilson, Fred from BC, all basically all BTs adore her.

I guess that explains the mind set of a BT.

It sure explains a lot to me.

Vile and disgusting, attracts vile and disgusting.

Mitka said...

Ezra Levant is the female Anne Coulter

Gerrard787 said...

Look to another university in Ontario to make Canada look small on the world stage again.

Demonizing Jews and slandering anyone who doesn't agree with other vicious left wing views is acceptable on campus. Anything else is another one of those bogus "hate crimes".

The University of Ottawa looks like a laughing stock.

The Progressive Indian said...

Wow - she really does have you pathetic little teeth-gnashing weenies scared shitless, doesn't she?

From delirious hoots about how few people were going to attend to sexist slurs about how she dresses, like her or not, she can sure send all the lefties into full-retard hand-wringing anguish!

Man, I'm starting to like her just for that!

Gerrard787 said...
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Yariv said...

"Ezra Levant is the female Anne Coulter"


Where's Waldo? said...

JF said... "Uh huh, so in Coultier world being urged to practice restraint, respect and consideration is discrimination?

Who raised her? Wolves?"

I would respectfully say that you are insulting wolves with that association. Wolves are highly social animals that have a well defined pack structure. In human terms, I suspect a wolf based social structure would result someone like Coulter being banished or killed.

Please note that I would never encourage or support violent actions.

The Progressive Indian said...

'fraid my fighting days are many years behind me Ti-G, however back in the days when I would have just as soon start swinging rather than trying to logically deal with frothing loonies like yourself, I'd have happily bitch-slapped you into a higher level of consciousness..

just so ya know..

Anonymous said...

Shorter Dumstrum, "Advocating genocide is a hate crime? What'll they think of next!"

And his comments on free speech are particularly hilarious given the subject in question's opinion on the matter:

She also criticized the media for being liberal and Democrats for whining about their rights under the First Amendment.

"They're always accusing us of repressing their speech," she said. "I say let's do it. Let's repress them."


Ti-Guy said...

however back in the days when I would have just as soon start swinging rather than trying to logically deal with frothing loonies like yourself, I'd have happily bitch-slapped you into a higher level of consciousness..

Thank God you found the love of a good man; his utter devotion to you, not to mention his soft touch and tender kisses, have mellowed you considerably.

Gerrard787 said...

Excuse me Paul, are you labeling all those who don't vote for Harper as anti-Semitic? - T of KW

Absolutely not. Only pointing out though that the left tolerates and regulary allows anti-semitics to speak openly on our campuses.

Yet you support a proven racist like Coulter?

Oh please. She's very obnoxious. Get over it. Organize a protest. Counter her offensiveness with ridicule or humour.

Don't run to our HRC's and hide under their skirt because you're not adult enough to withstand words that hurt your feelings.

You are an incredibly pathetic hypocrite.

I always laugh when someone from the left trots out that line.

Anonymous said...

"Only pointing out though that the left tolerates and regulary allows anti-semitics to speak openly on our campuses."

Citations, Dumstrum.

Ti-Guy said...

allows anti-semitics to speak openly on our campuses



Tof KW said...

I always laugh when someone from the left trots out that line.

Wrong Paul - I'm an old PC supporter and not a Liberal. I don't support Harper or the neo-liberal Reformers who took over my party.

And as far as the HRC thing goes, I just posted in the thread previous to this that I don't agree with them becoming quasi-judicial bodies. I was actually debating Ti over this.

However at least you don't support Coulter, so I'll give you some credit there. To prove she's a racist one need look no further than her comment today to a Muslim student to 'ride a camel'.

Ti-Guy said...

And as far as the HRC thing goes, I just posted in the thread previous to this that I don't agree with them becoming quasi-judicial bodies. I was actually debating Ti over this.

It's interesting to note that this current crop of "Conservatives' have no memory nor understanding of how Liberals, Conservatives (and Dippers for that matter) used to actually talk to each other...or how they're supposed to talk to people who don't share their politics, in general. I can even to talk to Bloquistes and not find the whole exercise as dreary and soiling as it is with them.

What a lonely, angry, ignorant, isolated, thoroughly unpleasant bunch they are.

Gerrard787 said...
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Tof KW said...

Indeed Ti. I enjoy having intelligent disagreements in a proper debate, as Liberals and Conservatives were once able to do. There are still a few good Tories out there, but the crop that took over are really only in it to piss off Liberals now. They have no real principles of which I can discern anymore.

Tof KW said...

I can even to talk to Bloquistes and not find the whole exercise as dreary and soiling as it is with them.

Actually providing you don't bring up sovereignty, the Bloc supporters often provide some excellent ideas - including some innovative thoughts in regards to the civil service and how to combat our structural deficit without waging a war with them. I have yet to hear anything approaching this sort of conversation from Reformatories, Grits or Dippers.

Gerrard787 said...

I think I had my first post censored by BCL. I must have hit a nerve.

bigcitylib said...


I censor you all the time. Usually you don't even notice. Weird. Have you set aside your crack pipe this evening?

Ti-Guy said...

Paul also doesn't remember signing up to two Blogger accounts. Hmm...

Gerrard787 said...

I think my pipe ended up in the recycling BCL. I must have a spare one around somewhere.

Gerrard787 said...

Ti, you are an enduring nuisance. I have an unused e-mail account. On that account, I was Paul S.. On my current e-mail account, I am Paul S.

See the deception? Only someone like you would it confuse.

wilson said...

See TiGuy's post at 1:33

back at yah big boy:

How old are you? 12?

All I've ever seen you do is run around calling everyone names and trying to start fights.

Does that make you feel like a big man?

Grow up.