“Well one thing I will agree with Tom from your introductory remarks was that Mr. Ignatieff said that coalitions are legitimate. There can be legitimacy to coalitions, and we have seen legitimate coalitions rule this world, and we are seeing one today in Britain.
“If a coalition was required, I mean, the Conservative Party of Canada would have that opportunity to form that coalition.
“They are, certainly they are legitimate … legitimate coalition governments, Tom and… you know we see a parliament with as many parties as we see today it becomes a more distinct possibility, no question.”
Apparently, there's a seat in the HOC even further away from the floor than Helena Guergis': tomorrow, Rodney Weston will be sitting in that seat.
Also, the debate over possible merger only looks like a gong show. In reality its a secret Liberal plot to address the issue so thoroughly that, when it comes time to vote, the public is comfortable with...nay, bored by...the whole idea, thus pulling the sting in advance from any CPoC attack ads. I'll swear an affidavit to that effect if I can use a fake name.
And it doesn't seem to be harming Iggy and Co. in the polls. If anything, it may be helping. If we can get some eye-gouging and hair pulling going, a majority will surely be ours.

1 comment:
The thing that all the merger talk ignores is a pretty basic fact: THE NDP EXISTS!
They exist as a protest party and a somewhat effective conscience in the HoC. Does anyone believe for a second that the NDP would not be swallowed up so fast that it would make the PC takeover look like an all-out civil war?
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