Stephen Taylor
has discovered a nifty
tool that allows you to determine the political affiliations/educational level of Facebook users so you can better target your Facebook Flyers. Stephen has used to this tool to argue that the CBC is...wait for it...
Liberal!!! (Hiss, Boo!).
Well, I still haven't figured out how to do a proper screen capture, so this won't be as fancy as Taylor's post, but here are a few other fun facts that I discovered with the same tool.
The tool allows you to sort Facebook users by "workplace" (which is how Stephen searched CBC staff), and one of these workplaces is the "Parliament of Canada". A few relevant sortings later and we find out that there are
80 people who class their own political views as "Conservative" working for the Parliament of Canada. Meanwhile, a quick count gives us
40 Moderates and
200 Liberals. No wonder Harper can't get legislation passed worth shit!
Of the 80 Conservatives,
fewer than 20 graduated from college, and a small number (
fewer than 20) are still in high-school. Looks like we've found the CPoC "brain trust".
In other findings:
Of the
2,020 employees of the Canadian Armed Forces on Facebook,
140 class themselves as Liberal,
160 as Moderate, and about
300 as Conservative. Breaking down these totals by gender, there are about
280 Conservative men vs.
40 Conservative Women,
140 Moderate men vs. less than
20 Moderate Women, and about
100 Liberal Men vs.
20 Liberal Women.
Of the
100 people who work for, less than
20 categorise themselves as either Liberal, Conservative, or Moderate. I guess that means the Toronto Sun isn't a Conservative Paper.
Of the
2,460 people who work for Rogers Communications (publishers of
MacCleans), only about
60 call themselves Conservative, while
100 identify themselves as Moderate and a whopping
400 like the "Liberal" label. Don't anyone tell
Kenneth Whyte.
Of the 360 Facebook users that work for the Government of Newfoundland, only barely
20 class themselves as Conservative, while
40 call themselves Moderate, and
40 self-identify as Liberal. See, that's what we like about
Danny Williams. He calls himself a Tory, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating.