However, here's a partial list of Conservative types who have been attempting to get their heads around the whole HRC thing by pursuing complaints through various provincial Rights bodies:
Hamilton Right to Life
Failed Alberta Tory Candidate Ron Leech.
Failed Alberta Tory Candidate Craig Chandler.

So there you have it. A pool of good Conservatives willing to play the system in the name of (in all three cases) Christianity. If Mark is too lazy to do up the paper-work, maybe he can farm out his complaints to one of these fellows and they can carry the torch on his behalf. The last two especially seem to have time on their hands, and what's the real difference between Judaism and Christianity other than a few books in the Bible and the fact the Judaic wardrobe is a lot more rockin'?
In any case, the most interesting fact here is that, as Conservatives learn more about HRC mechanisms (through the writings of Mark and others), the more they seem willing to be co-optd by them.
All is well in our dear old Nanny State.

Well, it's nice to see that Mark Steyn agrees that people should be held responsible for expression like this. He's also correct about how the blogger in question casts Muslims in a negative light and the remediation he's suggesting is what we all agree on.
I'd call this a full conversion for Steyn.
I only quickly read the post Mark is wringing his hands over but I can't say I saw anything overly egregious about it. Sure the guy repeated the 'jews control the media' canard, but that's not a particularly hateful stereotype. It would be nice if the Steyns and Levants would take the time to learn the differences between hate speech and offensive speech.
Yeah that's true enough. Also, the guy doesn't seem to have posted very often re any topic. Never pass up a chance to mock MS, is my motto, however.
One of the revelations of the not-so-interesting CHRC hearing of March 25 was that the Lemire-and-co have themselves been filing human rights complaints with the CHRC by the dozen.
And in other news, Crayola reports an inexplicable shortage of crayons.
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