As for old Ronald, I have always figured he was, sexual orientationwise, a bit tippy. For one thing, he is in far better physical condition than is possible for a straight male.
And then there's the name, too: "Ronald". Growing up, what chance did the kid have?

love love love the graphic!
So who's "Thaddeus M. Baklinski?" Maybe he's a defrocked priest or something?
Anyway, I'm just glad a lot of agencies have become aware of organised swarming campaigns and factor that into their customer feedback evaluations. Those who don't handle them intelligently are agencies I don't care to transact with anyway.
...not that difficult with McDonald's, since I haven't been to one in over 10 years.
"since I haven't been to one in over 10 years"
Ti-guy...on a whim, and being hungry and in a hurry, I stopped at at a McDonalds and ordered a cheeseburger. Took a bite (I used to love them)...thought...this can't be...took another bite...stopped by the wastebin and did two things...spit out what was already in my mouth (yeah I know that's gross) and then dumped the rest of the "meal" into the garbage container...
Personally, either I have changed...or they have...
Either way...NO WAY....
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