So if he's quite literally a tree hugger he can't be all bad. Get him stoned, slip him a copy of Lord Of The Rings, and three weeks later we'll have us a spankin' new Progressive.
PS. No lines crossed or secrets revealed in this post. Ed advertises his business on Free Dominion. Used to anyway.

Me, I have nothing against Muslims but hate trees. Evil leaf-headed kite-eating scum!
What a sitcom this could make!
Not surprisingly, a little google search on that phone number reveals the soon-to-be Felix to my Oscar is also an ardent gun nut.
I wonder if he ever works on trees wounded in hunting accidents? What does he say to them?
I don't think he says anything to trees. He's too busy listening to them.
Does he only hug true Canadian trees or all trees domestic and species brought in from other countries?
Oh I doubt it ruralsandi.
He probably hates "indigenous" species from canada and maybe prefers European varieties like Norway Pine, etc. Those Asian varieties don't belong here at all.
Given his virulent hatred of gays I'm shocked he can even bring himself to touch another guy's wood.
He's a lumberjack and he's OK...
Best. Comments. Ever.
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