These folks join rejected Alberta Tory candidates Craig Chandler and Ron Leech in attempting to right perceived wrongs though provincial Human Rights Commissions. In the latter two cases, the beef is that the Alberta Conservative Party discriminates against Christians.
And cases like this were, according to Speechy lore, are supposed to amount to the Apocalypse, where Lefties like myself get our comeuppance at the hands of Christians and other right-wingers striking back via the very state instruments that have been used against them. Hanging us with our own rope, as it were.
Well go ahead. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. If the complaints noted above meet the criteria required for the HRCs to take action, then fine. If they do not--and I suspect they do not-- that just means that Christians, as well as Muslims and everyone else, are allowed to abuse the system with frivolous claims.
Incidentally, I don't find the image above particularly offensive. Hamilton was probably more worried about having their bus shelters vandalized by yahoos than about the explicit content of the posters.

It's stretching credulity to think this is a human rights issue...you have to subject the message here to a very complex interpretation to argue that it represents the beliefs of an identifiable group. Also, it's misleading, but that's par for the course for the speechies with their "right to lie."
Oh well, let's watch and see where it's going. Kudos to the Hamilton Right to Life for using a legal process to resolve this dispute.
Some would argue that the inherent right to free speech is at the heart of any Western Liberal democracy, that it is a right so sacred that many in various places in the world today would die to have (and in fact are dying to have), and one for which many of our fathers and grandfathers died so we could have.
Some would also argue that derogating those who advocate this right that many have died for as "speechies" epitomizes an arrogant faction in our society who, on one hand utilizes those rights to the fullest, reaping all the benefits from those who have sacrificed to gain us such rights, while at the same time ridiculing those who appreciate the important of such a right.
I would agree with those who so argue.
Except the speechies are engaged in campaigns to remove the rights from other people (either outright, or through a longer-term process of subterfuge), which is illiberal and anti-democratic.
That argument is vacant, Biff. Go back to Stormfront and come back with a new username.
New username... hmm... how 'bout "Ezra"?
I've always thought that's a great name for a monumental tool. In fact, if I headed Canadian Tire I'd change the name of Mastercraft to Ezra and change the company slogan to "Need a great big tool? Think of Ezra."
How about "A tiny tool for sticking down dirty holes"?
Those are called "Kenney"
How about "A tiny tool for sticking down dirty holes"?
How vulgar.
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