Sounds like they can't even give them away in our nation's capital. Incidentally, the non-student price is $10 which, if you want to listen to some blonde chick talk filthy, will buy you about 1/4 of an hour on a good phone line, which has certain advantages in that you can imagine the blonde chick being a little more...well...full-figured, let us say. The students of Carleton will almost certainly spend the hour in question watching free streaming videos on the intertubes. Good for them!

"there is less than"
Someone speaking on a Canadian Campus not defending Israel Apartheid week?
Better send them a warning.
Who registers for a free seminar? I imagine there will be a pile of gate crashers looking for their free tickets, and the hall will be full.
You're a silly one BCL.
Oh, c'mon, BCL. It's nothing much different from what Coulter herself has said many, many times:
"When contemplating college liberals, you really regret once again that John Walker is not getting the death penalty. We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too."
A propos of nothing, did you read the article "The Vanishing Liberal" in the latest Harper's? I particularly liked the theme of liberalism's "learned helplessness."
Cripes, the amount of crap you let the trolls get away with...
She's a child. She never grew up and out of the type of behaviour a quickly-diminishing proportion of people in North America learn to leave behind sometime in university.
I'm always astonished when I come across some of the mean girls and frat boys I knew in high school who've turned into decent, likable people with age. This doesn't seem to happen with North American "conservatives" anymore.
It's reached a climax with people in my generation (30 to 50). That we're coming into our peak earning years and the height of our influence does *not* augur well.
Not that I'm a big fan of hers or anything, but you lot sure seem scared shitless of her.
However, I expect I'll see at least one of you nailing her to the wall with some hard questions, no?
Not that I'm a big fan of hers or anything, but you lot sure seem scared shitless of her.
Wrong-o, PI. She's scared shitless of *us*. Why do you think she refuses to show up in a venue where she can be properly challenged?
The last time that happened was with CBC's Bob McKeown. She looked absolutely terrified after she was confronted with the fact that she doesn't know her own history. I heard they had to use a mop to wipe up under her chair.
She's made sure that never happened again...
However, I expect I'll see at least one of you nailing her to the wall with some hard questions, no?
...which is why she's not showing up in Toronto.
Why don't you show up and ask her some hard questions? Or are you worried your raging hard-on will be too visible and embarrassing?
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