Once a symbol of intellectual diversity and cutting edge thought, now huddled jealously over a rapidly dissipating slice of the electorate, Canada's New Democratic Party has indicated
it will oppose attempts to include Green Party Elizabeth May in any Federal election debates. Though noted blogger and former
NDP candidate
James Laxer has entreated the party to "think of this on a higher level", such reasoning seems to be beyond the current
NDP brain trust. Instead they intend to run on their fruits of their informal pact with Stephen Harper's Tories-- their ability to horse-trade concessions from him, like swapping decent clean air legislation for free beer at CAW meetings.
Good luck, fellas, say hello to the Rhinos up in political party heaven!
I have to wonder if Jack Layton would want to be included in the debates if his party has 650,000 voters.
You bet he would.
Obviously, Layton knows May can outdebate him. He's afraid of her.
All the candidates should probably share his fear.
There is a lot of bile and disinformation about this deal and it's going to be hard to shake. It's also the newest and best reason to freeze Greens out of the debate.
It's obvious that the goal post are constantly moving for Green participation and until elections Canada is given control of the debates(as they should have) there will never be a level playing field in Canadian politics.
Our politics are becoming more jaded, polarized and hate filled. MY GOD WE ARE BECOMING AMERICAN!!!!!
I guess Layton's saying that the 660,000 Green voters don't count.
Ya, Layton, the NDP work for the working people "only under certain circumstances".
The NDP is stunningly tone-deaf when it comes to the very real threat of wingnut irrationality which is woven through the movement conservatism that underpins the current Conservative party. It's almost as it it's so out of phase with its own brand of irrationality that it's invisible.
I saw Jack Layton go almost completely silent a few years back when dealing with something absurd Ezra Levant had said (he managed to squeak out that Ezra's interpretation had been 'bizarre'). Now that's leadership you can take to the bank!
When did the NDP have morals?
Yes, lets include the Communists, Flying yoga party, and Western Canada Concept party in the debates as well.
There is a long standing tradition of keeping the debates to the parties with representation in the House of Commons. This didn't prevent the Reform or BQ from making breakthroughs - so it shouldn't hinder the greens.
Reform and BQ are regional parties, which makes it easier on them. Greens (as far as I understand it) have a fairly constant level of support across Canada (maybe higher in B.C.), but since it is diffuse they could wind up pulling ten per cent of the vote and get 0 seats. That is the difference.
The Greens have been polling higher than the Bloc these days and that party is completely irrelevant in the debates. Just how far are we willing to carry the principle of tradition? I guess when it suits the interest of political parties, but not Canadians.
And yes...let's have the Flying Yogics and the Western Canada Concept in the debate...or a debate...anyway. We could call it Politicians Gone Wild and have Ben Mulroney host it.
This is fun to watch...
Liberal kool-aid drinkers pushing to have 2 representatives at the leader's debate.
less than 5% of the vote in the last federal election...
zero seats in the last federal election...
Elizabeth May...
Dion cheerleader
That qualifies her as a leader how???
This is fun to watch...
This is fun? Really? You need to start dating, or something...
great debate bw lizzy, broadbent and val meredith this morning. funny how they had a two on one and still lizzy beat the pants off of them. i would be very afraid of having lizzy in the debates were i jack, steve, gilles or stephane (well, may be not stehpane ;-0. i have lost alot of respect for ed broadbent over this, he sounded like a delusional idiot...very sad.
oops, the debate was on the current with anna maria this morning. llyod axeworthy and buzz hargrove said this is a good example of doing what is right instead of what is in people's partisan interests.
I like Broadbent but Layton has turned into a phony. He is obviously frightened to death of May in a national debate. Many people I know who are not totally politically obsessed (normal citiznes) are very impressed once they hear her. They tend to find Layton to be rigid and scripted-sounding.
By the way, the Toronto Star today reported that Layton back in 2004 asked - behind closed doors of course - for a deal under which the Greens would not run candidates against the NDP.
May and Dion agree to not compete locally in 2 measly ridings and Layton calls this a threat to democracy, civlization and motherhood. But he asked for me - behind closed doors - in 2004 and he is the purist principled leader.
Layton is like the hypocritical authoritarian parent we all hate: "do as I say, not as I do".
Layton does not walk the talk.
I voted twice for the NDP. There may not be a 3rd time. Layton is sorely testing my tolerance for insincerity, phoniness and partisan cant.
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