this flakey outburst, I am inclined to think they reside within the confines of his fevered imaginings. Anyone willing to own up to being one of the "many other Liberals who are already involved in the necessary, if otherwise covert, process of dumping Dion as soon as he loses the next election"?
(You can use a fake name if you mention some kind of identifying scar. Otherwise your comment may be erased. Use your imagination re. the scar.)
Does Ray Heard have Big Oil for clients?
I thought it was just me that thought the guy had lost it from that rant...i feel better now BCL
He's been known to complain on a regular basis.
Wells and Radwinski's on comments on this are worth noting.
Jane Taber should retire. A journalist she isn't. Perhaps the Inquirer would appreciate her kind of so-called journalism.
Why is she so obsessed with this?
Ray Heard is very close friends with Alf Apps. Apps ran Iggy's campaign.
Heard being friends with Apps - what the hell has that got to do with Heard's flaky rants.
Give me a break.
Heard just may be losing it a little - he's no spring chicken you know.
Heard may be friends with Apps, but Heard wasn't running Iggy's campaign.
"Heard may be friends with Apps, but Heard wasn't running Iggy's campaign."
No kidding...or he's doing the dirty work for MI...who knows...
I'm a former Red Tory -- now a Green supporter. While I'm somewhat ambivalent as to which of the major parties wins the next election (I say a plague on both their houses, I have to say that Heard isn't far off. Dion might as well have a target painted on his back. This bizarre arrangement with Ms May is just another example of his shaky judgement. The Conservatives are going to kick his ass next outing without having to break much of a sweat.
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