"I don’t think [Harper] knows how to compromise... It’s not in his genes. The issue now is: how do we fool the world into thinking we’re moving to the left when we’re not?"
They tell non-Conservatives: don't worry, we don't have a secret agenda. They tell one another: don't worry, we do.

Back to the fear-mongering, it was just a matter of time.
How do you compromise between food and poison? If you believe your position is the right one then you hold to your principles.
But talking about ethics and morality with Liberals is like the Inuit talking to a Swahili about cold - they just don't have any frame of reference. All Liberals want is power, and with that power comes money, and THAT'S what they are after, filling their pockets.
Back to denying the secret agenda? Hey man, talk to Ted. He's one of your own boys, a Tory insider. He's the one saying Harper will try to pull a fast one on Canada.
Those Cons can't seem to stop writing about the Liberals and money.! They should talk..all out to get the Liberals, no matter what the subject. The G&M was talking about the warming of Lake Superior, and what did the Cons talk about under that article...the Sponsorship scandal.. thats all they know what to talk about.... Harper's buying votes is just as incouth , any day of the week
"Back to denying the secret agenda? Hey man, talk to Ted. He's one of your own boys, a Tory insider. He's the one saying Harper will try to pull a fast one on Canada."
Sometimes you sure make yourself look stupid BCL.
Ted Byfield is a columnist and reporter; he’s never been a Tory insider. All he does is guess what will happen in Canadian politic. Once he predicted that the Alliance party would become government under the great leadership of Stockwell Day or how he commented that Preston Manning will become the next prime minister because he is so brilliant at political manoeuvrings in Ottawa. The fact is Byfield does not know what Harper is thinking anymore then he does Stephane (it’s not fair) Dion or Taliban Jack. His word has no more importance then any other reporter in Canada. I thought you were intelligent enough to know this.
BTW, please fight the next election with “Harper has a secret agenda” slogan. This will guarantee a majority for the Tories. If “secret agenda” is all you have left to criticise the Tories, not only have you lost the battle my friend you’ve lost the war. With so many liberal MPs jumping ship it seems that most liberals have already come to that conclusion.
Oh cmon, anon 3:56, I read Conservative blogs, freedominion, the works. You guys are saying to one another that this green stuff, for example, is all a crock and as soon as Harper gets his majority then its time to repeal the metric system.
Right, BCL, and the thing is, whether or not Harper does have a secret agenda, he is perfectly happy allowing the party faithful to believe he does.
He is lying to us, or he is lying to them, but what is certain is that he is lying to someone.
Gayle — Or the Conservative supporters are lying to themselves. Wouldn't surprise me. Even when Harper flat-out LIES to them, they still lap it up and keep singing the party line. There's a total disconnect with reality in BT Land.
“Oh cmon, anon 3:56, I read Conservative blogs, freedominion, the works. You guys are saying to one another that this green stuff, for example, is all a crock and as soon as Harper gets his majority then its time to repeal the metric system”
So by what your saying above is I should believe that every time you or any other liberal blogger state your opinion on any subject you are speaking as an insider for the Liberal party of Canada. My guess is you don’t and your thoughts are your own and you don’t have much to do with the party itself other then being a supporter.
Guess what BCL all those people posting on freedominion are no different then what you are doing here. They are posting their OPINION and they have no more access to the Tory party then you have with the liberal party.
Jesus man, you are criticising them for doing exactly what you do with your web blog. If all those conservative on freedominion are Tory insiders then you and Red (I’m right and everyone is wrong) Tory must be Liberal insiders.
Your post simply makes you look foolish and you should stop with this line of reasoning before you make yourself look like a total idiot.
By The Way, for some reason you website no longer accepts my password and this is why I post anonymously.
My name is Deno.
If I have this right, Libs think PMSH, will fake left, but once he has a majority he will:
-outlaw abortions,
-make mandatory bible study as part of the school corriculum,
-ban women from working,
-jail gays (sorry Baird)
-put an end to all social programs, no more Cda Health Act and public funding health services, Welfare, EI...
-reverse all of the enviro policies he made when leading a minority, ...
Yah, and wipe Conservatives off the Canadian electoral map until the end of time.
PMSHs agenda is not a secret:
Conservatives to replace the LPC as the natural governing party of Canada.
And you can only do that by governing just right of center.
Well, if there's essentially no change except colours, then why bother, Wilson61? Don't you think Prime Minister Fatso and the Harpies would be happier playing golf and drinking greyhounds every afternoon in Myrtle Beach rather than freezing their doughy arses off up here trying to come up with convincing new lies day after day?
BCL's got it right. The hidden agenda is to repeal the metric system. Over my dead body, I say!
"Well, if there's essentially no change except colours, then why bother, Wilson61?"
Well tri-fool, the Liberal Party of Canada has been proven to be corrupt and a den of thieves.
Keeping a party like the liberals that has a culture of corruption and cronyism from the reigns of power is the duty of all honest Canadians.
A vote for the liberals is a vote for the theft of your tax dollars and systematic corruption.
Big difference Ti, Cons don't have to kiss socialist NDP or Green butt.
Therefore, Cons can:
get tough on crime,
strongly support the military, take special interest groups off the dole,
promote a hand up instead of hand out,
make waves on foreign policy,
make enviro decisions that don't destroy the economy,
can't do any of the above if your voter base is other parties voters, as is the Liberals!!
Well tri-fool, the Liberal Party of Canada has been proven to be corrupt and a den of thieves.
Well, Deknob, personally, I'd rather have the Liberals steal a couple of million rather than have the Harpies dole out billions to their cronies while making this country not one bit better.
Keeping a party like the liberals that has a culture of corruption and cronyism from the reigns of power is the duty of all honest Canadians.
Blah, blah, blah...liars and thieves...it all depends on which ones will end up costing us more. My bet is on the Harpies.
A vote for the liberals is a vote for the theft of your tax dollars and systematic corruption.
See previous blah.
Ted Byfield is not a paleo-con. This does disservice to the Scott Brisons of Canada who have joined the Liberal party. More neo-cons.
This should be a start. Harper should go on the campaign trail and insist on the right for people to sell gasoline by the American gallon. He can first use taxpayers money to buy Bill Domm's favourite gas station.
Therefore, Cons can:
get tough on crime,
strongly support the military, take special interest groups off the dole,
promote a hand up instead of hand out,
make waves on foreign policy,
make enviro decisions that don't destroy the economy,
So, you're saying, we'll all be better off with a government that solves non-problems and makes us moist with useless platitudes? I don't need to pay taxes for that, do I?
can't do any of the above if your voter base is other parties voters, as is the Liberals!!
What? I guess making sense is limited to one comment with you. Now I see why you just drive-by troll. One dump 'n run is all you can manage.
''can't do any of the above if your voter base is other parties voters, as is the Liberals!!''
Liberals depend on stealing NDP & Green votes (and candidates) to keep their heads above water at 30%. To keep the 'stop Harper' votes coming, Dion has swung the LPoC far left. Libs voter base is now definited as left of center, they are skating on NDP & enviro Green ice.
If all the Greens and Dippers went home, Libs would be at, what, 23%?
Liberals depend on stealing NDP & Green votes (and candidates) to keep their heads above water at 30%.
Oh, get off it. Political liberalism is non-ideological and economically pragmatic and proposes what it sees as the best solution for any given set of circumstances. That's why Liberals tend to win elections so often.
If we had proportional representation, I wouldn't even care. I'm interested in good governance, not petty tribal politics. And the Regressive Conservatives represent bad governance and 60% of the Canadian electorate (a long-term, stable proportion) seems to agree with that conclusion.
''So, you're saying, we'll all be better off with a government that solves non-problems and makes us moist with useless platitudes? I don't need to pay taxes for that, do I?''
And Quebec separation is a non-problem? Tho not solved, PMSHs moves have sent the Bloc to new all time lows, ensuring that a referendum is not on the agenda for a long while.
And of course Dion Liberals do not believe there was a fiscal imbalance.
But have found absolute URGENCY in Kyoto. Not so when they signed it, like 10 years ago, and then ratified it, but being in Opposition, they have found URGENCY! Advise: drink lots of cranberry juice.
If you think the Liberals deserve to govern, send them some money (they can't steal 'a couple of million' anymore) so as the poor knobs can afford some professional advertising, and maybe afew suntanning sessions for Dion.
''If we had proportional representation, I wouldn't even care.''
Ahhhh, the Liberal hidden agenda.
Absorb the Dippers and Greenies with a 'stop Harper' plea, so as PR can never rear it's ugly head, because all those that would be represented by PR are voting (as it should be) Liberal, and their parties fall off the electoral map.
And Quebec separation is a non-problem? Tho not solved, PMSHs moves have sent the Bloc to new all time lows, ensuring that a referendum is not on the agenda for a long while.
Man, are you naive.
And of course Dion Liberals do not believe there was a fiscal imbalance.
That's because there wasn't.
But have found absolute URGENCY in Kyoto. Not so when they signed it, like 10 years ago, and then ratified it, but being in Opposition, they have found URGENCY! Advise: drink lots of cranberry juice.
...'round and 'round the Mulberry bush.
If you think the Liberals deserve to govern, send them some money (they can't steal 'a couple of million' anymore) so as the poor knobs can afford some professional advertising, and maybe afew suntanning sessions for Dion.
Oooh, the mean girl's resorting to her best Heather impression. Me...ow!
Ahhhh, the Liberal hidden agenda.
Absorb the Dippers and Greenies with a 'stop Harper' plea, so as PR can never rear it's ugly head, because all those that would be represented by PR are voting (as it should be) Liberal, and their parties fall off the electoral map.
Go read up on "prorportional represention." Just cut 'n paste that into Google. And pay attention while you read; it'll be on the test.
"personally, I'd rather have the Liberals steal a couple of million....
Well done Tri-fool!
You finally admit that the liberals are corrupt. This is a good first step to a full recovery.
Now that you admit that you were in denial about the corruption that is rampant in the Liberal Party of Canada you are well on your way to not voting liberal in the next election.
While it is true that the odds are high that you will suffer a relapse and still have a strong urge to vote for corruption (liberals), your admission today of the liberal party’s corruption show that you have finally taken the first very important step out of your liberal hell you’ve been in since you first started to vote liberal.
Well Tri-fool I didn’t think you had it in you. I guess any addiction (including voting for liberal corruption) can be beaten if the person wants it hard enough.
In no time you will be singing the praise of Steven Harper and voting for the Tory party.
Again Tri-fool, well done!
Ti, Tell me how PR will ever come to be if the Dippers and Greenies vote Lib and both of their home parties lose party status.
Once the Libs have swallowed the left, to get a majority, they become the only left.
Just like the righties have one party. Tho righties can protest vote with the Greens, for now, until Lizzy hands it all over to Dion.
Ti, Tell me how PR will ever come to be if the Dippers and Greenies vote Lib and both of them home parties lose party status.
I'm hoping sensible Conservatives will wise up. I think it's happening after Harpy's fiscal spending-spree and a whole year, useless year of a government thinking it was still in Opposition and on the campaign trail.
I actually don't know how we'll get PR; priority one is to turf the Harper Party.
The Liberals aren't going to *disappear* any other political party anytime soon, even if they want to.
Deknob, so much hate in your heart and dullness in your brain.
When I'm in Church tomorrow, I'll say a little prayer for you. A Catholic prayer too, so...buck up!...chances are good it'll lead to a miracle.
''I actually don't know how we'll get PR; priority one is to turf the Harper Party.''
Ti, you think the Libs would consider PR even if it meant letting half the fishies out of the Liberal net???
If PMSH saw half the fishies leaving the LPoC, swimming back home due to PR, wouldn't he at least consider electoral change to weaken the LPoC?
What would the Cons lose?
As much as the Libs?
Ti, you think the Libs would consider PR even if it meant letting half the fishies out of the Liberal net???
If they want my vote beyond the election which results in the turfing of the Harper party, they'd better start thinking about it.
Do you actually know how PR works? Government consists of political interests who commit to a coalition until they can't anymore. You can easily imagine two rigthwing parties forming a coalition and governing. This isn't about power politics...it's about governance. Gaw. Vor. Nance.
If PMSH saw half the fishies leaving the LPoC, swimming back home due to PR, wouldn't he at least consider electoral change to weaken the LPoC?
What in holy hell are you talking about? Look, go back to your political tribe and get yourself tatoo'ed or something.
I think you are the naive one Ti.
Libs promise PR if you vote for them. And how many promises did the Libs keep when in power?
If the Cons offered up some form of PR, would you vote Lib or NDP or Green?
You don't seem to get the flow of future events here...Turf the Harper Party. Progressives (and maybe Conservative too) lobby for PR. We get PR. We vote our consciences.
You want to talk about this in terms of current political reality. That's something I'm not interested in doing.
Now, you've wingnutted me out, so unless you have something sensible to say, I suggest you shriek ADSCAM!! for the rest of this dialogue.
PERHAPS Mr. Byfield is right. For myself I did not take Harper all that seriously until I saw him clearly, just for a moment, after he had grossly insulted an MP who wore a Turban. There was something strange about his look, he regarded this man, after he had so callously and falsely injured him, with a calm curious look like a child who has just poked a grasshopper with a burning match. No anger, no regret, not even any embarrassment. Just curiosity.
It fits the picture of a disciple of Leo Strauss. Testing the absolute contempt for democracy of that philosopher for the power seeker, unbudened by any normal political ideas other than the trivial. What he wants, all that he seems to want, is power. He does not seem to be interested in what he would do with it, if he could get it, it is just a matter of getting it. And the urge to get it justifies all and any lies since the people are too stupid and driven by their emotions to know what is best for them anyhow. So it is just a matter of putting forward some high sounding phrases, any lies that seem useful, and getting power.
So it may be that he has not reflected on his policy choices in any critical way, or that he has no deep interest in them, or that he has a longer and a far more sinister aim. Stephen Harper is something new all right. I suspect many Canadians have intuitively seen what it is. I have seen him for a moment and he makes my blood run cold.
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