Thursday, October 23, 2008

Color Me Skeptical...

(A quick note, since the article linked doesn't make it clear for a couple of paragraphs: the gal above is supposed to be a McCain volunteer, the backwards "B" is supposed to stand for "Barack")

But if this incident happened yesterday at about 9 pm Pittsburgh time--not even 24 hours ago-- and the backwards B was carved with a knife (as the story suggests), then that wound has healed up awfully nice.

So, maybe I'll feel dumb tomorrow, but right now I'm not buying it.


Nbob said...

If one was looking in a mirror when one carved a letter into one's face it would look right way round in the mirror but would be backwards on one's face.

Just say'n

Unknown said...

Interestingly, the violence reported this campaign appears to be only against McCain supporters.

Skepticism is good BCL, as long as it isn't completely politically motivated. I have some doubts about this incident too so I'll wait and see.

Werner George Patels said...

There's a lot of desperation on the campaign trail these days -- most of it, in the McCain camp, particularly ever since he selected the Biggest Airhead in the Nation as his running mate.

I don't think that any camp is involved in this story (if it is true, in fact, which I doubt -- looks like a plant to me, very much like Joe the Plumber), but if the events did occur as reported, it is more likely that some lone "maverick" was behind it.

Reality Bites said...

The attacker then punched and kicked the victim, before using a dull knife to scratch the letter "B" into her face

As we all know, when surgeons want to ensure minimal scarring and quick healing they always use a dull scalpel instead of a sharp one.

Don't most ATMs have security cameras these days? It wouldn't surprise me if the only one who ends up facing criminal charges out of this is the alleged victim.

Reality Bites said...

It's been confirmed as a hoax.

KDKA: Police say Ashley Todd Assault a Hoax
by Jack Ryan

Ashley Todd's assault has been confirmed to be a hoax, according to KDKA. Police reportedly admitted Friday the attack was a hoax.

20-year-old Ashley Todd was facing a polygraph test to be administered by officials after claiming she was brutally beaten over her political views.

Ti-Guy said...

Interestingly, the violence reported this campaign appears to be only against McCain supporters.

Really? On what evidence do you base this? Reports from Republicans like this criminal liar, who's now charged with filing a false police report?

You are a liar, Paul S. All right wingers are.

Ben (The Tiger in Exile) said...

The lady's one sick puppy who now should be brought up on charges.

False reports like that are terrible -- can split a whole community down the middle.

Kurt Phillips said...

Surprise, surprise.

Ti-Guy said...

Hit too close to home, didn't it...liar.