Now Charles has a message for the Canadian people!
The history books are full of 'strong leaders' whose dictatorial, my-way-or-the-highway rigidity led to disastrous consequences for their people.
Perhaps it would be better for Canadians to keep the Harper-controlled Tories in check for a while longer by only electing enough of them to form another minority government.
Let's see if they can start to lead by the democratic policies the country so desperately needs instead of copying Liberal pandering.
Suggestion: unless your current MP has been an absolute trainwreck, re-elect him or her.
And whatever you do, whichever party is involved, shun like the plague every appointed parachute candidate who was shoved down the throats of members in so many constituencies. Just last fall, an impressive majority of Ontarians rejected MMP. Don't let the backroom party big shots in Ottawa sneak it in by stealth.
Charles W. Conn, Mississauga.
Take THAT, Ray Heard!!

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