What would happen to Dion? His conditions of victory have generally been seen to be: more seats with respect to the Tories and he stays, fewer and the knives come out. This 3rd options doesn't seem to have been considered.
What would happen to Harper? Would he want to stay on after having been denied a majority twice?

He's already thought of that. When Harper did his one-on-one with Mansbridge, he stated that two minorities give him the same mandate as one majority.
Oh goodie, more pathetic logic from Harper.
I just hope, if the Cons do win, their seat total is down, because it will translate to a VERY WEAK mandate.
Don't make any predictions just yet. The G7 might be deciding right now that Harper, teh saviour of our eononmeez! is to be annointed the next PM.
The seat projector sites often show the Liberals and Conservatives losing seats and the BQ and NDP gaining seats. Maybe the Libs and Cons would have an official pact to keep the government in power for two years while both parites have leadership races.
Here's hoping it is a Conservative minority again. That would mean Dion would have to stay because he exceeded expectations and Harper would rule like a majority anyways.
Majority or minority? It's win/win for the Conservatives.
Go neo-cons!
Go tend to the peonies, Priscilla.
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