Friday, October 24, 2008

I Didn't Know This Kind Of Stuff Still Worked

Kevin Taft, Leader of the Opposition:

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This government can’t control the price of oil, but it could have controlled the rampant increases in costs by simply managing growth. Will the Premier admit that by ignoring industry requests, requests from former Premier Lougheed, and just about everyone else to manage growth, this government has made a serious mistake?

Premier Ed Stelmach:

Obviously, now we see the true colour of the Leader of the Opposition. He sure as heck isn’t a capitalist, talking about managing growth through the government. Sounds more like what they were doing in the former Soviet Russia.

That was said on Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008. I especially like how Stelmach employed the folksy "heck" to show that he is a man of the people. That was a nice touch.


Werner George Patels said...

I have endorsed Dave Taylor for Liberal Leader. I like his program and ideas, both for a remodelled and relaunched Liberal party and Alberta.

Maybe he can break Stelmach's hold on power in the next election, but it's high time that Stelmach was kicked out and returned to his pig farm up north.

Kurt Phillips said...

Eddy's rhetoric plays very well to the base who view anyone to the left of Pinochet as suspect. The Alberta electorate (at least the 39% who get off their asses to vote) eat it up.