Quite the Prairie Diva!
I have no idea what brought this on. She mumbled darkly once about me having "insulted her", but I honestly don't know what she means. The only off-colour remark I recall making was calling her home Province Sasquatchewan, but this was in reference to the rash of sasquatch sightings that have taken place there in the past few years (as I'm sure Saskboy can attest to--in fact I'm surprised he hasn't written about it).
It was definitely not a personal comment direct at anyone's incredibly hairy legs (which perhaps Saskboy can also attest to).

You didnt bring up we in the Progressive blogosphere were for her to publicly condemn Stockwell Day for using the term "spear-chucker", which to her is as bad as saying "prairie knuckledragger", did you?
Kate can't hold a candle to Warren Kinsella's BigShittyLib trashing of our Don Mills troller.
I think it's safe to say that I'm banned from SDA!
If you don't care what Kate thinks (and if you don't agree with anything she says) then why should you care that you've been banned from her blog?
Heck, Kate has one of the most open-ended comment threads you'll find on the web. A quick runthrough of lib blog blogger sites shows that most moderate comments heavily, and that's if they even allow posting.
If you've offended her, send her an e-mail and apologize; If you don't think you did anything that requires an apology, e-mail her anyways and talk it out. She's pretty generous and forgiving either way.
Kind of like when Stockwell Day does or says something wrong eh?
when you learn how to write beyond the grade 3 level, you can come back.
I've read some of the tripe you spew on Kate's blog. I have no doubt whatsoever that you not only deserve to be banned, you tried to get banned. Congrats, LOSER.
Kxxx's a racist smacktard...who cares what she does? Life is too short. I mean what you do with someone who does not even know that Africa is continent not a country? leave the Tiny Tories alone you will get a rash from too much exposure.
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