"What gives the school the right to decide when children should know the truth...?"
...asked one angry father.
Actually, I remember when I found proof that Santa didn't exist. My parents had left the price-tag for my hot-wheels drag racers on the box, so I realized that it came from the local Cannex and not the North Pole. I gave them heck for trying to fool me, but once I started playing my indignation faded quickly enough. By the end of the day I had managed to set both dragsters on fire, and learned that a piece of hot-wheel track made a good sword for play-fights, and that it hurt when your little brother whacked you across the temple with one.
I think I was 25 at the time.
In any case, its best if kids get past all the Xmas lies so they can learn the real meaning of the season which, as Lucy van Pelt once famously observed, is about getting all you can while the getting is good. They should learn young how you WIN Christmas when the total value of the gifts you get exceeds the value you spent on gifts for others.
So, frankly, the teachers of Ladysmith Junior School in Exeter, Devonare are to be congratulated for hustling along the mental evolution of these little tots. Parents leave it to the public school system to teach their kids about Sex. Why are they getting so tetchy when it comes to teaching them about fictitious fat men?
PS. Be warned, unless some real news breaks its going to be anti-Xmas ranting as far as the eye can see on this blog. Keep your young childen away.

you sound like my wife. if my kids' teacher exposed santa, i'd be pissed.
How old are these kids? I think mine were 5 when they realized Santa was a hoax. They still liked to play along for years afterwards, but they knew it wasn’t real.
Hope no kids read this anti-Santa blog post.
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