The federal Tories are in worse shape than widely acknowledged. Not only have they been in
poll trouble since the end of the Lib Leadership convention, Bernard Lord, the natural successor to Stephen Harper should Stephen Harper lose the next election,
will be stepping down as Leader of the New Brunswick Conservative Party.
The reason Harper is a one man show as Tory PM is that he knows how stupid the party's second tier is. With Lord gone, the Tories have no bench strength. Thank God Mr. Lord pulled a Peterson,
called an election when he didn't have to, and got thumped by voters for it.
Medication wearing off ??
Only a desperate Lieberal lover could conm up with that interpretation.
How's it feel to have your party being run by a leader who is everyone's ( except Jason Cherniak) second choice.
Second choice leader for a second rate party.
If it fits, ya gotta wear it.
As a New Brunswicker, I have to say that thank God for Canada that Lord was defeated in NB. This guy is NOT a leader. Even one of our political science prof's in NB said tonight on the news that he had been more of a custodian over the past 7 1/2 years. This guy couldn't make a decision on anything.
He has been in total hiding since he lost the election, and it has taken him almost three months to decide to quit.
The latest poll results in NB from Corporate Research Associates, which were published today, show the Liberals with 65% among decided voters compared to 27% for the Tories.
So you better look elsewhere for Harper's successor!
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