PS. We all know what you mean by "upscale coffee shops"; I really don't understand why Conservative pundits insist on dividing Canadians based on their choice of caffeinated beverage. And you know, while Mr. Harper officially promotes the coffee der volk, when he comes to T.O. he's been seen drinking the homosexual stuff. It even looks like he enjoys it.

Adler - the Rush Limbaugh of the North.
He's just a big mouth.
By the way, I hate Tim Horton's coffee. Unless you smother it with their special cream to make you think it's good and sugar, it leaves a horrible aftertaste.
I'm not an elitist either. I don't like latte.
I guess I don't fit into the supposed only 2 categories in Canada.
I'm not an elitist either. I don't like latte.
What's so elitist about coffee with a lot of milk? In many parts of the World, it's a very common way of drinking coffee.
I have a bol every morning, and I'm a man of the people.
I talked to Jimmy's mother this week. James Hayward Arnal loved this country more than any of you quiche-eating, latte-loving, armchair quarterbacks. And he was enthusiastically in Afghanistan to help people. His mother Wendy, who is the one behind the Carpe Diem 88 foundation, which organized efforts to get our troops a bomb-sniffing dog. They cost $10,000 dollars each.
What I don't get is all the efforts to augment capacities to the armed forced... I mean we are already spending a fucking fortune there and yet you'd think that we have send our little boy soldiers with nothing more than a BB gun and homemade clothes... Dogs, pillows.... what next?
Adler is another pundit that claims to be neutral while sucking the Conservative knob...
What ever happened to his Book reading club with Penguin? Surely one of the stupidest marketing ideas in a long time....
Nothing wrong with a bol de caffé au lait - better than Tim Horton's brown crayola melted in some water...
I love latte. I just hate paying for it.
I'm a mint tea kind of guy... not sure where that places me.
There is a reason why Tim's doesn't sell whole bean coffee.
Fillers such as chicory and burnt sugar. Real coffee doesn't stain as much as the stuff Tims sells due to burnt sugar added as a filler. When I lived in Costa Rica, my bf at the time had an uncle who was a coffee broker. Now he had good coffee. Tims is disgusting. But if people want to spend 50 cents less for bad coffee, all the best to them.
The Tims crowd have always been trashy. I like to count missing teeth when I HAVE to go there.
What is funny is that he declares the latte lovin' folks are going to accuse him of exaggerating "their" position in order to denigrate it, right after he writes a bunch of lies about the reason people want more information about this issue, and a bunch of lies about how these people are attacking the troops.
It is like he thinks that casually mentioning some people might criticize him for lying exonerates him for doing just that.
I love how the NP hides behind these blogs in order to print utter falsehoods in the guise of real journalism.
better than Tim Horton's brown crayola melted in some water...
That's my standard reaction to coffee in The ROC. I take a sip, hand it back and say: "Excuse me, but could you leave the brown crayon in there just a little longer?"
Actually, I wish I had the balls to do that.
The Tims crowd have always been trashy. I like to count missing teeth when I HAVE to go there.
Now that's the bad kind of elitism we don't need and which just serves as fodder for idiots like Adler. I find Tim Horton's to be pretty much just middle class, which is what the overwhelming majority of Canadians are.
I don't think "latte-loving" is code for homophobia so much as it's code for laughing at less-than-manly liberals.
Adler himself has been a personal supporter of equal marriage from the start. Of course, being a conservative asshole, he also has no problem with it being denied to people because other people don't think they should have that right.
If it's black with caffeine, I'll drink it.
I'm with Mark. Coffee is a caffeine delivery system. Where it is brewed makes no difference to me.
the definition of middle class must have changed a lot because that's not who I see at TimHortons. here in Toronto, Tims is usually the last place people go. It's even difficult to find one. It's the McDonalds of coffee shops. Nothing is fresh and they keep their expired coffee and sell it for more as iced coffee. Disgusting. There are lineups at Starbucks, Second Cup and Timothys. The Tim Hortons phenomenon is linked to rural communities who have no other choice than Tims foul swill. Like I alluded to in my last comment. Tims here is for street people and those who like to think slumming it makes you cool because you saved 50 cents and can call others elitist.
Well, Jay, it depends on where you live. The one across the street from where I live is filled with upper-income retired couples, young immigrant families and the construction workers form various sites around here.
The real issue with me is how the Conservatives have branded Tim Horton's as representative of "Canadian values" and authenticity, when really, it's just a chain of coffee shops with rather unexciting fare. They don't even make their own baked goods anymore.
I worked at a Tim Horton's as a baker one summer and I actually learned a few skills (how to knead dough, crack eggs with one hand and hold 12 crullers in my mouth). I'm sure no one who works there now learns any skills that are really marketable or even useful.
Jay, I was born in one of the wealthiest communities in the country, Orleans, just East of Ottawa, where a good deal of the public service settles. I had 3 Tim Hortons' within a ten minute walk of my house, always packed. Respectfully, you don't know what you're talking about.
I didn't say there's anything wrong with latte - I drink my coffee black. Have to watch the weight.
It's the Con attitude about latte that makes me laugh. They attack latte drinkers, yet will drink Timmy's with the doctored up cream.
Three within 10 minutes? Choked off the family owned restaurants I'll bet.
Adler - In 1996 he launched a television show, Adler on Line, based in Boston and a year later Adler received an Emmy award for Best Host in New England. 1996 saw him returning to Canada to host the Charles Adler Show on CFRB (AM). Two years later he was back in Western Canada, hosting "Adler on Line" on CJOB-Winnipeg. In 2004 Corus Radio launched Adler as a national host. Adler on Line airs on 14 radio stations. In 2001 Adler was the debut host on Global Sunday a national Sunday night show. *****In the U.S. he has substituted on occasion for Sean Hannity on Fox News Channel's Hannity and Colmes******. Adler is also a weekly guest on CHCH-TV's Live at 5:30 pm with Mark and Donna. He also contributes frequently as a pundit on CTV's Canada AM and on Powerplay with Tom Clark.
Adler - neutral? Often guests on Hannity/Fox news show!
He also worked for Garth Turner's TV show where he!
Probably around 1996 or so. Only guy I've met who tied his tie worse than I do.
Apparently someone does not like being painted in a negative light.
Is Adler off base?
How many MP's in the house voted for the mission? How many were absent?
It is fair comment for Adler to point out the agenda from certain camps to weaken the support of the mission.
I have yet to find anyone providing an example how the "frontline" did not get blamed for decisions at the top.
How many questions regarding the treatment of detainees vs our mission, our troops in the past 36 months?
How many Lib Blogs in the past 36 months have talked about the wonderful work and lost treasure in lives?
Perhaps Adler was correct.
I have yet to find anyone providing an example how the "frontline" did not get blamed for decisions at the top.
Classic. Got your example right here:
" "
"I have yet to find anyone providing an example how the "frontline" did not get blamed for decisions at the top."
Ha ha ha
I have yet to find anyone providing an example of how you are not a serial killer and rapist.
I haven't the heart to point out to Adler that i have on several occasions seen quiche being served in a Canadian Forces mess hall. His head would probably explode.
oops, my bad. i meant to write "implode", as we are talking about a vacuum here...
Wasn't it though? I bet it takes CanadianNonsense days to figure out just how nonsensical her comment was.
Conservatives: Brains installed upside down.
One comment on the article, by a "Richard V" characterizes Adler as a "right wing bleeding heart", which I think is apt.
I'll go on record here as liking Tim Hortons. And I have all my teeth.
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