I talked to Jimmy's mother this week. James Hayward Arnal loved this country more than any of you quiche-eating, latte-loving, armchair quarterbacks.
Yeah, chuck, tell that to Cpl Rob Sargeant, stationed at a secret base located somewhere in southwest Asia:
There's a surreal feeling I get here - where with a well-equipped kitchen and gym we are able to keep fed and healthy in a barren desert climate. Some of the dishes the cooks are able to come up with are amazing - not just your typical meat and two veggies, they do everything from chicken swarma to quiche.
Or tell it to the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion Association:
Bloomfield is a small town with many interesting boutiques, galleries, antique shops, and tea rooms. We had an enjoyable couple of hours browsing the shops, then it was to Angeline’s restaurant for lunch. Angeline’s is in an historical house lovingly refurbished to its original beauty by owner and Chef Willi Fida. Our lunch was Quiche Lorraine and salad; for desert the most delicious fresh apple strudel I have ever tasted, followed by tea or coffee. Taking a different route we arrived back at the Base about 1430.
You calling the 1st Battalion a bunch of girls, chuck? A pale puffball like yourself?

I never even read the Adler column you've been hammering the last two days. I got through the first sentence and realised I'm just reading yet another comment from a right wing troll.
Canada's "Charles" Limbaugh
The doughy wingnut-fellator is unleashing the hounds on Heather Mallick.
I hope this time she divulges publicly who sends her the death threats, the threats of violence, etc. etc.
How much money have you lefties raised for our troops vs Adler?
How many MP's voted to extend the mission?
Clearly Adler thinks the opposition stinks and they have accepted unproven allegations from one person and rejected everyone else's testimony before their committee.
How do repeat "cover up of torture" by the government and attack the credibility of everyone else who does not support the Reports of one person who alleges innocent farmers and truckers were rounded up?
Is is possible Adler like us are tired of the opposition creating a fake scandal every week?
Wafers, bodybags, H1N1, now "torture-gate".
Where is the evidence? Why has the testimony of everyone else been discounted that refutes Colvin?
Did the Prison Inspectors responsible for routine visits back up Colvin's claims or refute them?
Bob Rae notes in a report a instrument of torture was found in an office and the person was fired.
The documents have been released after translation. Now where is this witchunt going based on a single person's allegations?
CS - yawn!
Adler's a US wannabe - he regularly appears on Sean Hannity. That x'plains it Lucy
What does how much Adler raised for the troops have to do with his neo-con, right wingnuttery?
Blogs I Follow
Alberta Ardvark
Blue Like You
Steve Janke: Angry in the Great White North
The Nexus of Assholery
....the above are the blogs that CS follows - enough said.
CS, I find Joyce's writing hard to get through, what on earth makes you think we can understand your streams of consciousness?
anything wrong with Americans?
Did you support the extension of the mission? The Manley Report?
Very few Liberals did including Dion. MI broke ranks to extend it.
I find Joyce's writing hard to get through...
Who's Joyce?
It is a consistent pattern by fascists who want to shut down any dissenting opinion or debate.
They like to swear alot and use the word "troll" and paid "insert label".
Fascists are angry people and demand everyone must accept their opinion as the best solution.
Adler hosts a radio show and shares his views. I am thankful we live in a country where the we can listen from all camps.
Too bad some from the extremist camps prefer shutting down debate by making personal insults.
Who's Joyce?
Thank you for an off topic post.
You ignored several blogs I have on public share. Over 25+
What is "cherrypicking" data such a pattern for some people?
Did you study at CRU, and learned to hide the data you did not like?
You left out the Lib bloggers, polling blogs, climate blogs as well, interesting selection of specific data to make a "fake" point.
RS, curious do you have a list of approved or peer reviewed websites that you suggest?
You Liberal supporters are a sad bunch.
You wished that the economic recession would be much deeper so as to forward your agenda.
You wished that the H1N1 flu would be much worse to forward your agenda.
Now you want to hand Canada it's own Vietnam with some Nuremburg thrown in for good measure.
You people are the worst of the worst of what it means to be Canadian.
I loath what you stand for, I loath how you conduct yourself and in my opinion it is you who have a deep hatred for Canada and her institutions.
So you can all fuck off...And take Heather Mallick with you.
Funny how sock puppets from a party who base their entire political view on how much they despise everything about Canada try to turn it around on other people.
Who's Joyce?
Oh, I see.
I don't actually think of CS's typing as writing, which is above all an exercise in communication.
She not trying to communicate anything. She's just doing the equivalent of talking to herself; muttering about how her ex('s) have disappointed her, how her life just sucks, how her stretch marks itch and her boobs droop, etc. etc. In that sense though, I suppose she is communicating, just not what she thinks she is.
There's only one thing I've been able to ascertain to a great degree of certainty about the Right; it consists of profoundly unhappy people. It's something I know from real life experience, not just these online nobodies.
Anyway, she's not even dialoguing, since she's very selective about what she's responds to.
And right on cue, Jim shows up to demonstrate that profound unhappiness, once again.
I mean, it is obvious (and serious) when you have to go looking for people to yell at.
I mean, it is obvious (and serious) when you have to go looking for people to yell at.
I just don't understand why they insist on doing it at places like this. Can't they go yell at people at the local mall? They'd get far more attention. Instead they troll progressive blogs and have circle jerks over the radio. It's almost like they're scared that everyday people will think they're insane.
"Adler hosts a radio show and shares his views. I am thankful we live in a country where the we can listen from all camps."
It's just to bad that Harper doesn't think in the above terms.
Jingle can you provide links,explain how the CPC are limiting your free speech?
Heather Mallick slammed the CPC
Can't they go yell at people at the local mall? They'd get far more attention. Instead they troll progressive blogs and have circle jerks over the radio. It's almost like they're scared that everyday people will think they're insane.
And they're correct.
It's a complex problem but when you're unhappy, there are only a few options. Change the situation, remove yourself from the situation, or resign yourself to it and find ways to cope as best you can.
The Right believes that whatever is afflicting it is someone else's fault. It doesn't matter who it is, as long as it is someone else. They don't even care to figure out that it's likely some thing and not someone. That takes too long to figure out and requires too much work.
It doesn't help that we live in culture that has practically criminalised/pathologised unhappiness to the point where no one dare admit it, lest one be considered a loser or suffering from a mental health problem. Put on a happy face, go shopping, take a handful of Prozac, drink, spend an inordinate of time focusing on physical fitness and nutrition...whatever.
But clearly, at least with the Right, none of that is working.
I'll add that I do believe the leading figures on the Right...the politicians, the spokespeople (like Adler, Steyn, Levant etc. etc.) are probably happy. Deliriously so, since they have the easiest vocations on Earth...pandering to cranks and loons and making a decent living at it.
Nice work if you can get it...
I'll add that I do believe the leading figures on the Right...the politicians, the spokespeople (like Adler, Steyn, Levant etc. etc.) are probably happy.
I had always thought that too. Then I met some people who know Ottawa's local blowhard, Lowell Green, and they all confirm he's always on, even with his family. For many of them, it isn't just an act. It consumes their lives, and every second of everyday is filled with spittle inducing rage.
For many of them, it isn't just an act. It consumes their lives, and every second of everyday is filled with spittle inducing rage.
Well I suppose only Lowell Green's nearest and dearest know what the real situation is.
I don't listen to any of these blowhards because I don't learn anything I don't already know. I grew up with cranks and loons bitching endlessly about things they are unwilling to change or, too often, things that don't effect them at all. They've either taken steps to remedy the situation, are drinking themselves to death, have become a burden on their families or, in one sad case I'm close to, committed suicide.
CanadianSense: "anything wrong with Americans?"
Not at all, which is why I've been confused as to why the Conservative Party and their supporters point to Iggy having lived in the United States as if it was some sort of disease. Interesting that you and your ilk will use anti-Americanism when it suits your purposes.
They just do what comes next. Check out this bit of Conservative fauxtrage.
Coyne is suitably schooled in the comments section.
They just do what comes next. Check out this bit of Conservative fauxtrage.
Guess someone wants a Senate seat. ;P
Don't say that, or you'll get a mouthful of Raging Ranter's monkey feces.
I noticed him screaming at everyone in that thread. How tragique.
CS - you make me laugh. The only exercise some people get is jumping to conclusions.
My gr-grandfather was American. I have American cousins. Some came to Canada in the 1700's a settlers, cleared the land and all that good stuff. My gr-grandfather came in the mid-1800's to join relatives that were already here. Some were UEL and some were not.
The right say they believe in freedom of speech and all that stuff, but if you don't have the same view you're told to fuck off.
Ever notice how many Tory bloggers have "Angry" attached to their blog names? So, your argument about fascists...hmm.....
You know, the constant playing of the victim game and it's everyone else's fault - weakness and paranoia mixed with immaturity.
By the way folks = what's this Oakville crackpot thing?
refresh my memory what party trashed the American Republican Party on a regular basis?
What Party's MP trampled an American Flag on National TV?
Regardless of Democrat, Republican we should not meddle into America bashing.
Don't say that, or you'll get a mouthful of Raging Ranter's monkey feces.
Fling away. I'll go duck behind Mike Duffy. He provides a lot of cover. ;P
Ever notice how many Tory bloggers have "Angry" attached to their blog names? So, your argument about fascists...hmm.....
Well it's pretty funny that CS's description for fascists (shouts people down, swears alot, intolerance of other's opinions) fits very well with Jim's comments... guess they might have a fascist in their midst. ;)
refresh my memory what party trashed the American Republican Party on a regular basis?.
The American Democratic Party.
What Party's MP trampled an American Flag on National TV?
None. Carolyn Parrish stomped on a Bush doll, for which one day she will be honoured as a hero of democracy
Get your facts straight, you crazy bitch.
Regardless of Democrat, Republican we should not meddle into America bashing.
In English, please...
You sound like an angry guy, and irrational too.
You might want to get some counselling before they come and take your guns away. They can still do that you know.
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