Rosica said his office phone messages have included threats and violent language. He called them “vile, vile phone calls.”
If you are wondering about what prompted all this, apparently Fr. Rosica refused to instigate a protest down in Boston at the funeral of Ted Kennedy:
Prior to the funeral, we received numerous calls from a pocket of people who claim to be pro-life, some of them acting in good faith, but uninformed faith, and they asked us to invite or incite a protest at the Chancery of Boston so that the Cardinal would not proceed with the funeral. These same voices are the ones who are contacting us, in Canada, asking us to incite people to stir up the pot in the United States - which doesn’t need any stirring up, it is already stirred up.
Especially interesting bit from the Catholic Register article:
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has scheduled a closed-door session on independent blogs and web sites claiming to be Catholic at its October plenary. Rosica said he also hopes the Pontifical Council on Social Communication takes up the issue.
Sounds like they want to lasso their whackjobs before anything crazy happens. You listening, Flanders?

wv = priess
Father Rosica is a brave man.
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