And as for Mr. Hertzog, who writes
In attempting to be just like all the other parties in the belief that this will get a single Green MP elected, the Green Party of Canada has thrown out its principles in its bid for power.
...well, principles are lovely in the abstract but under the circumstances this is nothing more than the expression of a political death wish. Without Elizabeth May the federal Green Party is nothing, and if the federal Green Party itself is a factor in her failing to gain a seat in the HOC next election, then the Green Party will lose Elizabeth May. You people will be back to raising money by holding salmon bakes and selling mushrooms, less a political party than a cult of aging hippies running around the gulf islands in Jesus robes and eating roots and berries. D'you want that?
PS. I think she should have run here, by the way. I could see May easily adding another 10% to Nagy's total.

"It is an unpalatable truth that the Alberta tar sands cannot simply be shut down or wished away,"-bigcrappylib
And for that you should be eternally grateful. We might let you have some tax rev which you will promptly squander on your unworthy selves.
Frank D: You forgot to mention that along with the "tax rev" we will also have to take the acid rain, polluted air and water, dead ducks, stripped boreal forest. No thanks. Maybe Ignatieff really means it when he says Canada can become the "smartest, healthiest, greenest, most-open minded country there is". Maybe we really can invest in the environment and come up with some "clean energy technologies". I just wish he would explain how the development of the Tar Sands figures in this vision. LMA
"we will also have to take the acid rain, polluted air and water, dead ducks, stripped boreal forest. No thanks."
Point taken Imaont, and when you figure out how you're going to take all the cars off Toronto streets, shut down Hamilton steel mills and all those coal fired power plants McGuinty promised to close, what six years ago, let us know. As for Iggy? He has already voted confidence in the oilsands: “We’ve got oil reserves there that are just staggering in size. It changes everything about our economic future. It changes everything about Canada’s importance in the world.”-Vanc Jan 15.
Frank D: We can change if we have leaders who will provide funding for research and development of green technologies. Who knows what we could achieve if we had the guts to try? When Ignatieff has announced his policies with respect to the environment and energy, when he has disclosed how he intends to regulate the development of the Tar Sands, those of us who believe climate change is the greatest threat to the future of the planet will know how to vote.
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