From the Canadian Press:
...MP Thomas Mulcair immediately offered a most girly form of surrender.
"What I'm saying is: the last thing Canadians want is a fourth general election in five years especially as we in the NDP would get slaughtered and we'd better have a bloody good reason for forcing a fourth general election in five years because we would get slaughtered.
"So if Mr. Harper goes about being provocative as he has been in the past, going after key things that Canadians hold dearly like women's rights and the environment, then we'll surrender most girly like because he'll have provoked it.
"If, on the other hand, Stephen Harper comes into Parliament and abuses our asses, then we're going to take it on a case-by-case basis and eventually our caucus will offer its most girly form of surrender."
Some people say when you mix NDP orange and Tory blue you get a purply pink. I say its a pinky purple. But whatever.

Hmm, they could call it the Barney coalition, it's big and purple and the Harper government should be extinct anyway.
Whether or not the other opposition parties will agree with an election, the Liberals will now be on the attack. It won't matter if there is an election this fall or next year. The Liberals will have momentum.
The optics of the Liberals previously supporting the government and the NDP opposing won't matter. Canadians are into a new ballgame with the Liberals up to bat.
The Yorkie gets my vote ;)
I vote to ban the misuse of the word coalition by all partisans as its continued misuse (when referring to non-existent party agreements) perpetuates civil illiteracy and plays into the cards Harper played last December when he convinced Canadians that we live in a presidential republic where he wields supreme power over a parliamentary democracy.
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