Attempting to stave off a collapse in support, led by party members "put off" by his positions on Quebec, Torture, Israeli War Crimes, and Iraq, Michael Ignatieff
begged his delegates to "stay the course" this evening, and not spoil their first round ballots as a means of keeping his ass as far away from political power as humanly possible :
The idea that they should spoil a ballot seems to me to be a waste of one of the greatest democratic opportunities of a generation....Iggy said.
Reaction to Iggy's plea among Liberal delegates was mixed. "Fuck you, poindexter!" said one disillusioned ex-supporter. "You're going back to Harvard in a box!"
I really don't see how profanity and a dismissive attitude makes political discussion more worthy.
I really don't see how profanity and a dismissive attitude makes political discussion more worthy.
I have frequently seen comments whose main purpose seems to be to object to swear words in blogs. I don't understand this. Do people troll through blogs looking for words they object to? Is this some sort of religious thing?
wow spoiling your ballot, I didnt even consider that as an option for delegates, I thought your first choice was set in stone unless the candidate otherwise drops out. That makes me really curious to see the first round results.
you cannot spoil your ballot only refuse to accept it.
as per party ruling 22 issued yesterday
It's a stupid and undemocratic rule to hold delegates to a choice made weeks ago.
Set them free!
Iggy was there. In Iraq. With the Kurds. He saw how they longed to control their own destiny.
Don't let democracy down! Remember the Kurds, and don't spoil your ballot.
Hot on the heels of the Macleans poll by Innovative, comes the Decima poll for CP, saying more Canadians believe Bob Rae is the one who should lead the Liberals, rather than Ignatieff:
"Canadian Press
Published: Thursday, November 30, 2006
MONTREAL (CP) - A new national poll suggests Canadians of every federalist party persuasion believe that Bob Rae is a more electable option as Liberal leader than top rival Michael Ignatieff.
The Nov. 24-26 Decima Research survey found that Rae's perceived winnability topped Ignatieff's by a significant margin in every region of the country except Quebec. More than 1,000 respondents were asked by Decima to picture themselves as delegates to this weekend's leadership convention in Montreal
In a final-ballot showdown between front-runner Ignatieff and Rae, they were asked who they felt had the best chance to win for the Liberals in the next election.
Under this scenario, 37 per cent chose Rae and 25 per cent picked Ignatieff.
The results of the poll, which was distributed to The Canadian Press, are considered accurate within plus or minus 3.1 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.
Decima CEO Bruce Anderson says the poll suggests Rae's winnability factor is perceived to be higher among all age groups, men and women, urban and rural voters, and everywhere but Quebec - where Ignatieff would get 36 per cent support and Rae 25 per cent.
Ignatieff also led in the poll among self-identified Bloc Quebecois voters.
© The Canadian Press 2006"
Iggy was there. In Montreal. With the Quebecois. He saw how they longed to control their own destiny.
Don't let democracy down! Remember Lord Durham, and don't spoil your ballot.
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