...The strict enforcement of drunk driving laws -- another undoubted necessity, and undeniably a good thing, but nevertheless, there was a cost.
All-male enclaves at pubs, though they still exist, are distinctly inhibited as to quantities consumed, and the candor generated.
One recalls Winston Churchill's instant distrust of our tee-totalling prime minister, John Diefenbaker:
"I don't trust a man who won't drink with me," said Churchill.
Ted might have a point here. I find that most guys I know aren't nearly as interesting if I'm sober.
As for our unfortunate lack of a major war to bond in, Byfield writes:
...it was war, far more than anything else, that generated philia.
Men whose lives depended directly on one another often shared a sense of companionship that could never die.
Okay, but didn't they invent paint-ball as a non-fatal substitute?

God, that whole Byfield clan is so inbred, I'm suprised they can still walk upright.
Typical Byfield pretzel headed logic...in the same piece he laments how others may interpret his male relationships as homosexual the very same fear he has spent much of his life and untold gallons of ink(when there was still such a thing)creating. Here is a guy who spends most of his awake hours and probably more trying to persuade others in endless tirades of how humanity is failing outside his own twisted gut wrenching narrow view. In another piece Byfield said that the abandonment of conservative values is the actual cause of declining church attendance, now this is actually "too ridiculous to ridicule."(his words) He is trying as always to take the focus of the truth that christian churches are crumbling under the wieght of thier own bigotry, hypocracy and criminality with more and more exposed as pedophile hide-outs daily. So called cristians are merely too ashamed of each others company.
Typical Byfield pretzel headed logic...in the same piece he laments how fearfull he is of others interpreting his male relationships as homosexual the very same fears he has spent much of his life and untold gallons of ink(when there was still such a thing)supporting and indeed creating. Here is a guy who spends most of his awake hours and probably more trying to persuade others of how most of humanity outside his christian primative view is failing him. Recently in another piece Byfield wrights that the abandonment of conservative values is the actual cause of declining church attendance, now this is actually "too ridiculous to ridicule." He is trying to focus away from the truth he sees with his own eyes that christian churches are crumbling under the wieght of thier bigotry, hypocracy and criminality with more and more exposed daily as pedophile hangouts. So called cristians are merely ashamed of each others company.
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