In reference to the motion made by Prime Minister Harper yesterday, the Assembly of First Nations calls upon the Prime Minister to clarify his position in a way that does justice to the status and role of First Nations in Quebec and within Canada as a whole.
National Chief Phil Fontaine commented that "mindful as we are of our own history and identity, we want to be respectful of other communities and traditions in Canada. The AFN has been, and remains, open to recognition of the nature of Quebec society that acknowledges features such as the French speaking majority in that province. It is important, however, that such recognition be carried out in a way that does not dismiss or diminish in anyway, the nationhood of First Nations in Quebec and throughout Canada."
AFN Regional Chief of Quebec and Labrador, Ghislain Picard added that"the First Nations of Quebec reserve the right to assert and affirm our status as Nations regardless of what other governments may imply." Furthermore, Picard stated that "the recognition by one government of another is only meaningful through a process of negotiation to confirm mutual understandings of the relationship."
Actually, I have way more sympathy for the plight of the natives in this country than I do for the French. Furthermore, the Quebec motion, experts agree, is entirely without legal force , and I am with Bob Rae in that, if its vacuous, what the hell? I'm behind it!
So let's extend the status of "nationhood within Canada" to all one of the First nations, and anyone else who asks. My mom's side is Ukranian, for instance; nobody ever tells them they're special. Why not do that too while we're at it?
So lets have the Feds bake up some Official Canadian Pastries and send them everywhere. Maybe maple-leaf shaped cookies with lots of frosting! And written on the cookie with even more frosting, will be something like:
I am part of the Ukranian Nation Within Canada
...except, of course, if you're part of the Albanian Nation within Canada, the word "Albanian" gets swapped for the word "Ukranian"!
People could hang onto these cookies as keepsakes, to remind them how much they are loved within that state entity full o' nations known as Canada. Or they can eat their cookie, and they'll have had a free cookie. Like a tax cut, but sweeter.
And so, in the end, there's no harm done.
h/t to Buckdog.

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