Sorry, we are not currently posting the businesses who are part of the Green ShiftTM because some were receiving unexpected calls and camera crews. We hope to be able to post the list soon.
Camera crews? Very strange, and I am tempted to call bullshit, as a quick Google search shows that (with a couple of exceptions, one a being New Brunswick based weekly) there has been no media coverage of the company since about July 14th. So maybe the camera crews left their film at home or found nothing interesting to record?
And, interestingly enough, in the one MSM piece (July 28th) done since that time, from the Kingston Whig-Standard, it is revealed that the company considered complaining to Tragically Hip singer Gord Downie for "screaming the [Green Shift] name onstage". The story also provides, arguably, another excuse for pulling their client list from the website:
In the time since she filed her lawsuit Wright has had to act. A list of companies that her website boasted as clients of Green Shift Inc. has been stricken from the Internet. Some, she said, are Liberal supporters and wrote Green Shift Inc. saying they were caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place. So she removed the names.
I think we're up to four now. If Greenshift's lawsuit against the LPoC is to be pursued, at least some of these claims will have to be substantiated.

Only on the blogs would it be incriminating to update information on web when the whole point of the web was to have updated information.
Sigh. I miss 1996.
Sounds more like changing their story than providing updated information.
Sigh. I miss 1996.
So do I. Delisle didn't have the Internet then.
I wonder how many Quebec ad agencies have signed up to be part of the Green Shaft?
Well here's the scoop:
1. The WHIG paper that you referred to re: the Hip was a typo/error - you can contact Jordan Press if you would like to enquire about the correction notice that we contacted him about as soon as we saw the article.
2. Some people are happy or fine with the cameras and some people are not. As is obvious - a lot of people don't want to get dragged into unnecessary politics.
Amazing those of you who dare to criticize us in defence of this oh so honourable party who dragged us into this, and for the record, as soon as this happened we did not convict, we simply asked that they find their own name. Taking them to court was a last resort and certainly not our desire. Do you believe them when they say that they are trying to settle this amicably, or the fact that our name is known around the world as a tax shift? They don't even know the difference between copyright and trademark laws - you could see this for your own eyes if you saw their standard response to the complaint letters they are receiving. But I guess you wouldn't want to accurately inform yourself - you seem to want to like, respect and defend people who hijack and steamroll. That's really nice, thank-you. I guess the world really needs more people like those on this blog.
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