What they say he said:
CALGARY - An Ontario Liberal MP said Friday his party's Green Shift carbon tax proposal will raid Alberta's energy riches and transfer wealth "from rich to poor, from the oilpatch to the rest of the country
What he should have said:
Get it, Ken? What is written in Thunder Bay is read in Calgary.

Who is in charge of communications for the Green Shift? Oh yeah... Garth Turner!
Well, there's a case to be made about message discipline, but what can you do about retarted CanWest "journalists" who lie about what people say? And they lie, all the time...about everything.
They only hear what they want to hear, and when it comes to their precious fossil fuels, they're the eternal virgins about to be deflowered by the big bad Easterners. And the rubes lap it up.
I can't wait until they finally choke on their filthy oil.
Which ever version of Ken Boshcoff's comments you take, it confirms what most people know.
The Green Shift is NOT a enviromental plan but rather a Tax Grab to Pay for Liberal social programs
So BCL are you implying that Ken cover-up the real purpose of the Carbon tax policy?
At least Ken Boshcoff was honest. It sounds like the Big City Lib agrees with them, but would rather try to deceive the rest of us.
As for choking on our filthy oil--no one is required to buy it. Judging by the last time I was on the 401 it appeared to me that there were on awful lot of people who were still interested in using it.
I don't think the Liberals should forget about the Boston Tea Party.
So a Liberal speaks the truth and other Liberals try and cover it up ? God forbid, showing their true colours
At least be honest, the "Green Shift" isn't about the environment. Its a greenwash, a green veneer of sugar to help the tax medicine go down.
Just shows the LPC is really trying to bribe Eastern taxpayers with Westerner's money and buy an election victory.
Now that's really good for Canada, isn't it.
As for choking on our filthy oil--no one is required to buy it. Judging by the last time I was on the 401 it appeared to me that there were on awful lot of people who were still interested in using it.
Like they have any choice...
Do I have to point out, yet that most of the oil consumed in the East is imported from abroad?
It's the Americans you have to worry about, with their diminishing enthusiasm for their oil addiction and distaste for environmental degradation.
What I would really hope is, since the Libs have already stated that they are open to making certain alterations in the plan,is:
1) Okay, I'm not a policy wonk, and have read The Green Shift one time through, but it seems to me that the Libs might get more imaginative about bringing the rural areas onboard. Not so much by "protecting" them against the effects of the green shift, but by tailoring positive environmental initiatives towards those areas. There must be new ideas that can be tapped to, for example, "green" the agricultural sector. In fact in Alberta itself farmers can contribute and even make some money by embracing "no till" farming. Point is, my impression of the green shift is that it is urban centric and this is perhaps due to a lack of imagination.
2) Don't fund social spending through the Carbon Tax. Not even sure such a thing is needed. Even with a 2% GST cut the feds seem to be rolling in dough, even given the fact we are probably entering a recession.
3) If you ARE going to roll Alberta, don't let them hear you say it, and remember that they almost always hear you. On the Net a Thunder Bay paper has the exact same potential reach as the Globe and Mail. Local news can go national with the click of a mouse. This has been true for ten years and pols still have trouble figuring it out.
If you ARE going to roll Alberta
Oh, God...Here come the Western Canada Concept trolls...
...and the migraines.
I just thought I'd point out to TiGuy that the said quotes are not from the Canwest newspapers, but from the MP's own website. Go read it for yourself.
Now that the cat is out of the bag.... How many Liberal Supporters are still thinking this green Shift is a good 'envionmental' plan? Or do they agree that robbing Peter to pay Paul is a sound policy for national unity and prosperity? I'm just askin' TiGuy? comments?
2) Don't fund social spending through the Carbon Tax. Not even sure such a thing is needed. Even with a 2% GST cut the feds seem to be rolling in dough, even given the fact we are probably entering a recession
BCL: Is the intended recipient of all these billions going to help the environment? Nope.
If Canada is indeed heading into a recession, does it make sense to tax us all further? Wouldn't a recession be the time to tighten belts, cut spending and lower taxes to stimulate the economy?
The hidden costs of the Green Shift will cause a huge spike in inflation. That is the last thing we need during a recession. This Green Shift is like a poison pill to a dying man. I just don't think that any new tax, for whatever lofty goals it may be trying to achieve, is appropriate in a downturn in the economy.
Ti-Guy: What drives you to hate the people of western Canada? Albertans especially? Why do you wish for them to choke on their oil? Sounds to me like eastern envy or some such. Are you feeling that inferior? Or is it because you are a profoundly ethical environmentalist? Other than those two choices, I can't see why you have such hostility towards Alberta and the west. I don't want to get into a argument with you, I'm sincerely curious. You have made many negative references to Albertans, westerners. What has you so riled? Ontario and Alberta have more in common than most other provinces. Both have been footing the bill for years with equalization payments, both are major contributors to the Nation's GDP. Both provide jobs in large numbers to help pay the income taxes that drive the country. I honestly don't get your hostility. Please enlighten me. I hope that you can be civil this time. I am trying to meet you half way here.
Ontario and Alberta have more in common than most other provinces.
I don't like Ontarians much either.
I can't wait to see the next Conservative attack ad using this MP's own words.
Stephane Dion just got his legs cut out from under him by a member of his own party.
Finally the truth comes out.
Stephane Dion is not a leader, but rather a thief.
Hey, Johnathon...you forgot to ask me out on a date.
Don't tell me you're stalking someone else?
Ti-Guy, if you're interested in going out on a date let me know.
I posted at RT's that I would like to discuss ways to increase your vocabulary.
Anytime you want to get together for some recreation, let me know.
Careful. You'll make your tubesock jealous.
3) If you ARE going to roll Alberta, don't let them hear you say it,
The LPC is supposed to be a national party. Is there a bigger problem here?
First we have a Liberal MP labelling Canadians who live in Alberta as "separatist losers". Now we have another Liberal MP selling the Greenshift as a way of bilking wealth from the "separatist loser" province. On the heels of Dion telling Albertans that only by embracing his Greenshift can they repair their "damaged reputations".
Are Turner and Boshcoff mavericks or are they relecting what is common chatter in the Liberal caucus room?
Frankly I'm not sure what is going on. Perhaps it is just a big messaging clusterjob. Or, as some suspect, are the Liberals fishing for votes by throwing lit matches around the national unity fuel depot?
That would be a sadly ironic game for a guy with Dion's alleged credentials to play.
3) If you ARE going to roll Alberta, don't let them hear you say it,
Why not? Tell it like it is.
It's an Eastern winner with the high gas prices.
Screwing the West is a consulation prize for the Easterners that won't cash in on the green shift.
The West being the boogeyman worked for Trudeau and the NEP, it worked for Chretien and Martin with health-care & those evil Alberta Reformers that will take away women's rights.
It will work for Dion, if Ontarians and Quebecers want their tax breaks at the expense of the West, and subsequently, the Canadian economy.
By shear population, Eastern Canada will decide the fate of the West's and Canadian economy, it's a fact.
Bring it on. I don't think Ontarians and Quebecers hate Albertans as much as Liberals think/hope, and vice-versa.
First we have a Liberal MP labelling Canadians who live in Alberta as "separatist losers".
Y'see? This is what I'm talking about.
This was vicious misquote on the part of the Calgary Herald. Garth Turner addressed it here and The Herald noted the error.
Garth Turner was quite plainly criticising the separatists and as a federal politician, that's what we should expect from him.
I think Albertans go from cradle to grave with this kind of propaganda and I think people are far too eager to lap it up uncritically. I was astonished to discover, in grad school (!), the number of Albertans who had rather bizarre notions about the East.
Anyway, keep swallowing open-throated the messages your media feeds you, like good little automatons. That's so independent and robust and free thinking.
The guy speaks the truth, and ti-guy can't come up with enough excuses to blame it on the reporters at CanWest, because, well, obviously, they're somehow conservative dupes.
Gee, a scam from the Liberals? That can't be correct.
How rather "neocon" of you to tell someone charged with selling the Green Shift (Tax plan, not the company) across the country to not say anything. I thought the idea was to open a discussion across the country about the effects of the plan, both good and bad.
As for not telling Alberta that they are going to get rolled, I would submit that Alberta and Saskatchewan already KNOW they are going to get rolled if this ever comes to pass. The fact that several Liberals have confirmed it only proves that comments that Alberta and Saskatchewan are screaming and yelling about nothing are incorrect.
BCL, Boshcoff doesn't sound much better in person, either.
Far be it from me to hope my opponents look good in the media, but Jesus ... a little bit of briefing in advance may've gone a long way...
It's funny how, because we come from the West, we're ignorant. Because I oppose someone reaching into my wallet, I'm greedy. Because I don't want to spend a billion dollars on a gun control program that does nothing, I'm a red neck.
"Global Warming" is for morons. They don't even say "Global Warming" anymore, they say, "Climate Change". Al Gore is very quickly going to become known as the biggest fraud in history, and Stephane Dion is following closely behind..
As for separatists being losers - well, look how close they came in Quebec, and they're practicaly broke.. push Alberta and see what happens.
Like Kyoto, but this is a 'made in Canada' money-sucking socialist scam.
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