Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Future Of Journalism?

Entirely web-based, built from the ground up by MSM cast-offs, covering the kind of local news people want to read, and light on the kind of the opinionizing they don't...

Meet Voices of San Diego, MinnPost, and the St. Louis Beacon.

Mind you, the N.Y. Times piece also points out the short-comings of these endeavours. For example, how healthy is it to rely on funding from one or two wealthy patrons? Do we need hundreds of little Natty Posts, run by tiny Lord Black's, soiling our computer screens?

In any case, a far more likely way forward for the business, as opposed to assuming that bloggers will somehow step in as the traditional news-paper industry fails.


Ti-Guy said...

Most of these private sector establishment agencies will have go to before it'll be clear what people are willing to pay for.

Werner George Patels said...

A case in point would be, produced by a London Free Press castoff and recent supplicant on CBC's Dragons' Den (he was laughed out of the studio by the dragons by the way).