...to repeal Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act. Marc, former leader of
The Heritage Front, once member of the
Canadian Alliance, (a precursor to today's CPoC),
wiki sockpuppeteer extraordinaire.... you still got it, boyo, you still cast a shadow over the Canadian Conservative movement.
So far Marc hasn't weighed in on the whole
polygamy debate. We'll have the exclusive here at BCLSB when he does.
h/t RB.
Connie Fourner helpfully points out
You can get this flyer in Word or jpeg format from Marc Lemire's blog. Download and pass around!
Apparently it hasn't occurred to her that his endorsement and help in distribution may not be the best possible help for her cause.
Via The Nazi Post, we have Ezra in full libel.
It's high-calorie stupid in the comments, so I suggest purging afterwards. Blazingcatsass posts an e-mail he/she/it received from the Goddess of Crazy, Denyse O'Leary.
Oy, the re-education camps are going to be full...
Denyse O'Leary, that nut case. Yeah catfur, that'll help the cause...
Sweet Jesus those people are stupid.
"... you still cast a shadow over the Canadian Conservative movement."
For once, we are in perfect agreement.
I thought Marc was part of the Stormfront supremacist website; like it's moderator, or something?
Or am I associating him with the general hoi paloi of the supremacist crowd?
He runs Freedomsite and used to run the Heritage Front. If he's posting currently to Stormfront its under a different name. He used to post to Free Dominion but they turfed him, although he may be posting under a psued.
Oh! ok. I could have sworn I had read he ran Stormfront, but maybe I was thinking of Freedomsite. That's probably it.
Ah well.
Same difference...
I hope Free Dominion would be more principled than that.
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