Conservative draft policy resolutions
here. Run the terms "free speech", "HRC", and so forth and you come up with doodly!!
Nothing, you hear me, Ezra and Connie? You hear me, Mark (and Marc)? Bupkiss! Sweet FA!
And if the Tories won't touch that stuff, nobody will!!
Big h/t to
National Newswatch!
Run the terms "free speech", "HRC", and so forth and you come up with doodly!!
Did you try the search in German?
Speechys Lose!
Actually, all Canadians lose.
Actually, all Canadians lose.
You mean I've lost the right to criticise beliefs that, when translated into public policy in a diverse, secular society, are antithetical to liberalism and democracy?
Heh. I've lost nothing.
Leave them as they are and just choke off their money supply. The coming tight fiscal times are the perfect cover for a fiscal bullet to the head of all kinds of useless federal departments and landing pads for political fart catchers.
Just choke off their money and the careerists will go elsewhere if they sense their lip lock on the publicly funded gravy train is drying up.
Silly Fred. Don't you realise that it's derelicts like you who will perish first when the money starts drying up?
"Speechys lose!"
How? Where? The only ones I've seen slithering away have been various HRC's.
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