Saturday, February 07, 2009

Warren Kinsella Is The Liberals'...

...Shoofly pie *, and since your typical Conservative has the brain of a fly, they take the bait.

* Here in Tennessee I was told a pie like this was made on baking day from simple, super-sweet stuff and set on the windowsill to keep the flies away from the pies with dearer ingredients**.

WK Sans Guitar
** "Pies with dearer ingredients"= Michael Ignatieff. Must I spell it all out for you?


Anonymous said...

Doesn't it kinda wreck it if you tell everyone?

skdadl said...

Warren Kinsella gets mentioned in the Commons?

Man, we live in a diminished world.

Ti-Guy said...
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Ti-Guy said...

That's the first time I've heard that that was the function of a Shoofly Pie. I think you're making it up. I'm going to have Dean Del Mastro denounce you in the House for disseminating Liberal disinformation, thus corrupting the minds of our children.

God, but Conservatives are stupid.

bigcitylib said...


Don't know if you're serious or not, but about 20 years ago (in University) I spent a summer doing research for a guy trying to market a Trivial Pursuit knockoff that was entirely food oriented. So, not only did I try Bam Bams (yuck), Smorboller soup (excellent), and Angelfish (made no impression), I heard that story. Eventually, it went, people decided the "fly trap pie" tasted just as good as the real stuff.

Mind you, it was really hard to find a reference to the phenomenon this morning, so maybe it was apocryphal in the first place.

Ti-Guy said...

Something for the Mythbusters guys to look into. That and whether the story that Conservatives have brains is true.